Welcome Ladies! Sit down, relax, lets have tea.

The official newsletter of Sisters United

June 1999 Edition



founders of Sisters United: Clara Hill and Kelley (Morning Glory Angel of Light)

 Leader of Sisters United Marsha (Elsangel)
Assistant Leader of Sisters United Minnie

 Newsletter Staff:
Editor: OPEN
Assistant Editor: OPEN
Birthdays: Susanne
Recipes: OPEN
Contributing Writers: any and all members of Sisters United

From the Editor


As you are all aware of, we are in a period of transistion and healing.  I need
your imput as to what you want in the newsletter.  I also would like to fill
all the vacancies on the staff.  Please give the above jobs your thoughtful
consideration and email me if you can do one of them.




Our Sister Susanne has worked so very hard on the birthday pages. Please visit and see who is having a birthday in June and send that sister a card. It is so wonderful to go to your emailbox on your birthday and see it filled with loving wishes from your sisters. Click on BIRTHDAY PAGE to visit and check out the pictures of the sisters too. 

Featured Site of the Month

Each newsletter we will profile a RANDOMLY picked sister's site to feature and a special award graphic (not the one below) will be sent to her to display on her site. This is a wonderful way for all of us to visit EACH sister's site and see the love, talent, and hard work she has put into her site.

graphic lovingly made by Clara


Chris  aka Cherokee Maiden

Come into the wonderful world of web designs.  Chris is a very talented.
Her pages are warm and inviting.  There are a lot of areas on her site
to explore besides the designs.  It is a trip through the web well
worth taking.




We welcome Lorri this month to Sisters United

Just like Gramma use to make, MM MM Good


3 ripe bananas
1 cup of sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp baking soda
1 egg
2 cups flour
1/4 melted butter
1/2 cup chopped dates

Mix together thoroughly.  Bake in 350 degree oven for 1 hour in a
lightly greased loaf pan.  cool and serve.

Hey, What's New??


Would love your suggestions for fun things we can do!



Letters from our sisters

                                   Our friends are like angels
                                     Who brighten our days,
                                    In all kinds of wonderful
                                         Magical ways.

                                   Their thoughtfulness comes
                                      As a gift from above,
                                  And we feel we're surrounded
                                      By warm, caring love.

                                   Like up-side down rainbows
                                     Their smiles bring sun,
                                 And they fill ho-hum moments
                                     With laughter and fun.

                                     Friends are like angels
                                       Without any wings,
                                        Blessing our lives
                                 With the most precious things.

                                     " Author Unknown "




This set was made exclusively for Sisters United by:

MysteVayle Creations


The title The Tea Room and concept for the newsletter is the original idea of WuzzleBee. She deserves the credit for this page being in existance. Thank you Wuzzlebee!