Hi there, Welcome to my pages. My name is Ransom Khanye.
I like surfing - you'll be amazed what kind of useful information you come across when you give yourself time to just relax and surf around. Just watchout for addiction bcause it is not exactly a very heatlhy habit.
Of particular interest to me is Christianity, Internet Technology - Web-Based learning etc, Online music/tv and the much dreaded internet shopping. I also like to engage in intelligent discussions over electronic mail and online chatting. It also excites me to meet new friends over the net. I have received some good and free advice from people I have not even met except in mailgroups etc.
As a very busy person, I have never had sufficient time for completing the construction of my pages. So I will keep updating them with every little opportunity that comes my way.
other web pages constructed by me.
Email me at
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