Here you will find information on Silhouettes and on
"Encyclopedia of Silhouette Collectibles on Glass".
and Brand New
"Vintage Silhouettes on Glass & Reverse Paintings".
That's right! Book Two is OUT!
Read one of the many book reviews.
Silhouettes are painted on the back side of glass,
not on the paper inside the frame as pictures are
done today. These are collectors items and may be
found anywhere from garage sales to antique stores.
You may even have them in your attic or storage room.
Please continue on with us to learn more about
silhouettes and a little about the history of them.

Reverse painting on Flat glass.
Please note: these books have examples of silhouettes
and pictures that are either reverse paintings
on glass, paper die cuts, or ink on paper. Also
included are examples of china and miscellaneous items.

1930's Lamp
Please continue to find other pictures and
ordering information.
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Encyclopedia of Silhouette Collectibles on Glass
Vintage Silhouettes
on Glass & Reverse Paintings
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