Welcome to Jana's LiL HoT SpOt :)

Hello, my name is Jana, this my first attempt at this whole webpage construction, so beware, hehe. Now at least i can't say that i didn't warn you.

I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and soon after I was adopted by my parents. They lived in Europe for a short time with both my brother and myself. They resettled in Wisconsin, and since then I have lived in the small town of Hudson, Wisconsin. It is located about 15 miles east of St. Paul, Minnesota. I graduated from Hudson Senior High School in 1996, and I then went off St. Cloud State University in St. Cloud, Minnesota. My major is General Business - Advertising and Minor in Geography - Travel and Tourism Emphasis. Hopefully i can incorporate them both into my ideal career choice. =). Here is the my school's webpage, go check it out. SCSU's Homepage

How i managed to get some of the nicknames i have gotten, well of course there are long stories. Most of these nicknames i have gotten since i started school in st. cloud. Weasie, in chat rooms i go by the name Weasel, so that is just a shorter version. My roommate jessica aka abba gave me that one i think. The Koolaid Kid, well I love koolaid and i'm usually drinking some flavor of it and i take it wherever i travel too. Yum. As for sponge, well when i go party, i'm like a sponge, i just absorb all the liquid/alcohol and I can drink large quantities. Not something to be overly proud of, but it is the truth, hehe. Lastly Bat Girl was given to me again, by my roommate jessica. What happened is that it was early one morning, my first year of college. My alarm went off, and i was deeply sleeping, i heard the noise, so i rolled over and was gonna turn the alarm off, i forgot a few things though. 1. i was at school, not at home. my bed at home is on the ground, at school they were bunked. I had the top bunk. 2. Alarm was across the room. 3. I was still pretty much asleep. Needless to say, i fell out of bed, and kinda woke up after i had just hit the ground. I didn't get hurt, but it was a pretty rude awakening. I woke up my roommate, cause she had heard this thump, she looked over and freaked out cause i was laying on the ground, starting to kinda wake up some more. I then shut off my alarm and then i went back to bed. THE END!. Sad part is that i was sober, just very sound asleep. :P I'm glad i don't look like Kenny does, after my fall.

Next there comes my family. My Father- Lawrence(Larry) who recently retired from working at 3M for over 30 years. My Mother - Marjorie(Margie) she used to work at 3M, but then later decided to stay at home with my brother and me, and become a Housemaker/Fulltime Mom. Lastly there is my brother, his name is Marc. He is 23 and he lives in Madison, Wisconsin, he also just recently Graduated from University of Wisconsin at Madison with a Degree in Psychology.

Here are some major links to some of the place's i can be found at and my friends and other neat things that i've found or seen.

  • Friends Pages, Cool Links and Everything else except for the kitchen sink :)

    Friends & Cool Links



    Chat Rooms

    Here is another place that you will find me at. I work at a place called Kozy Korner, we specialize in mainly pizza's, but we have a full menu. I have worked there for over 6 years. Since i have started there i have learned alot, not only a good work ethic, but lots of responsibility. People ask me what i do at work, and the best answer i can give them is that i can do everything, well just about. The way we are taught is that after a short time, each employee is able to do more than one responsibility. Taking phone orders, making pizza's, delivering food, making dough from scratch, opening and closing and being responsible for the till. The next question i get is what can't you do, i say, the only duties i have yet to conquer are Bookkeeping and owning the place, but i think i can live with out those. :)

    As I go through the stages of construction and learning more about html, i'd appreciate comments, you can email me at:


    thanks for stopping and i hope you come back real soon.

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