Murphy High School Class of 1978

[murphy panther picture]

Murphy High School Class of 1978
30th Reunion Homepage!

June 20 - 21, 2008

Email Kevin Conlon for info:


Tickets for the entire weekend will be $55.00 per person or $110.00 per couple if your payment is received by June 10th. After that date, tickets will be $60.00 per person.

If you have any special needs, please email Bill Hightower at and we will do our best to accommodate you.

Please send your check made payable to:

“MHS Class of 78”

Send your checks to:

MHS Reunion
c/o: Stan Zimmerman
1111 Dauphin St.
Mobile, AL 36604

We look forward to seeing all of you on June 20th and June 21st!


June 20th Friday Night: Guido’s

  • 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Light Appetizers + Cash Bar
  • Bring spouse or guest

    June 21st Saturday Night: Oysterella’s

  • 6 p.m. – 10 p.m.
  • Heavy Appetizers + Cash Bar
  • Bring spouse or guest
  • Presentation/Slideshow
    Please send scanned school-related photo’s to Angela Loftis Kennedy

    Multiple ways people can learn about the reunion:

  • Murphy High School Website, under Murphy Alumni.
  • The Geocities Website -
  • Alabama website: under forums.
  • Everyone contacting fellow classmates.

  • [colorbar]

    Please register at "" - It is free to register.
    Then RSVP to the Murphy Class of 1978 30th Reunion Event.


    Our goal is to locate everyone and update our mailing list. THATS OVER 500 PEOPLE! SO, please if you know where someone is that we have on the "lost" list please help us get in touch with them. We welcome any comments, suggestions, or help you can give. Some of our memories are better than others, so help us if you can!
    click this link to view our list of Lost Classmates


    Murphy Fight Song

    On ole Murphy, on ole Murphy
    Run; right thru the line.
    Run the ball around the goal post;
    Touchdown sure this time.
    RAH! RAH! RAH!
    On ole Murphy, on ole Murphy,
    Fighting for our fame.
    Fight fellows, Fight! Fight! Fight!
    We'll win this game.


    Alma Mater

    In days of old, when Spaniards bold
    Were sailing Mobile Bay
    A dream was born, one early morn;
    That dream's come true today.

    Now colleges and high schools, too,
    May have traditions old,
    But none can boast the glorious birth
    Of Murphy's blue and gold.

    They built a shrine of knowledge fine.
    They call it Murphy High.
    A soul was there, a soul so fair,
    Whose spirit shall never die.

    They took the blue of deepest hue,
    The blue of southern sky.
    They took the gold from sun so old,
    The colors of Murphy High.


    Murphy History | In Memory Of... | Reminiscing... | Do You Remember?
    20th Year Reunion Page | People We Are Looking For! | People We Found! |
    A Few Links | View Earlier Guestbook Entries


    Take time and view the guestbook......See what some of your OLD friends are up to these days. We know you will enjoy reading it, so help us out by signing the guestbook...most everyone would interested in knowing what you have been up to also...The more people to sign on the better...

    Keep In Touch!
    Sign Guestbook View Guestbook

    [construction dude]

    Please come back for updates and more information. In the meantime, send your comments, ideas, suggestions, etc. to nancy via Email at

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