Chris' Crazy Site

This page was started July 26th, 1997, so far you are visitor number 
If you got to came to this page to find out about Koopa Troopa, sorry, but I have to get you guys to come here somehow. Besides, you should know better than that. So now that you're here, take a look around! And would it kill you people to sign my guestbook???
As you see I don't get many hits so tell everyone you know!
And sign my guestbook will ya!!!
Oh yeah, if this page takes long to load up, you need a better modem because on mine its fine
NEW: Aerosmith, No More Star Trek or Habs or Savage Garden
COMING SOON: StarCraft, Jerry Bruckheimer, N64 games: Goldeneye, WCW vs NWO Revenge
Ok, I realize it has said coming soon for 4 months, but I have been busy with school. Once school is over I will start to work on it more. As you may have noticed I also changed what is coming. I'm always willing to do a link exchange with anybody. Don't worry, I'll fix up my link page soon too. I also know that my WWF page is way out of date, it's rather hard to keep up with the changes. I will fix that up too. But I do have a life and since almost nobody comes here I've let it slide a bit.
This page is always under construction so check back often.

Check out my

Comedy Section !!!

An MPG of some guy having a really bad day at work: help.mpg - 417 KB
Useless Facts
Interesting Similarities Between JFK and Lincoln
Two Fun Quizzes: A Mindbender
and a Questionnaire

Games Section !!!

My Mariokart Page

Download some cool Warcraft II levels

My WWF Page
Very Out Of Date For Now

Music Section !!!

Take a look at my Bryan Adams page

Just Added !

Check out my Bon Jovi Page!

Personal Stuff !!!

Feel free to e-mail me any comments or suggestions
Or find me on ICQ, my number is 6213617

Other Crap !!!

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