Mike's World!!!

Pictures of me as Darth Maul for Halloween in 1999.

Links to other sites on the Web:

MacMurray College, where I went to school.
The Monticello Motts, voted one of the most useful sites on the net!
Sanda's Corner, check out her poetry!!
Urban Centre, this cool Minnesota gal shows off her internet skills.
Australian Cattle Dog page, all about Australian Cattle Dogs!!
Star Wars, all the latest information.
The Planet, a cool radio station in Champaign.
Hobbico Inc., model planes, trains and automobiles, plus any other model toys you might be looking for.
Great Planes, the wholesale side of Hobbico.
Tower Hobbies, Great planes sister company...the retail side.
Ign.com, go check out the latest PS2, Xbox, Nintendo, Computer, video, DVD supplies and more.

Please come back soon and visit me.

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