ROSS RIVER VIRUS RRV(Epidemic Polyarthritis - EPA) |
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Ross River VirusA mosquito bite can result in a person getting Ross River Virus (RRV). Epidemic Polyarthritis caused by Ross River Virus is now one of the emerging diseases throughout the world. It is a virus which is carried to and from humans and animals (and possibly birds) by mosquitoes. You cannot get RRV by coming into contact with a person who has RRV. However, you could possibly get it if a mosquito bites a person who has RRV and then the same mosquito bites you. Ross River Virus (also commonly known as RRV and sometimes RRF - Ross River Fever although RRF is an incorrect term) causes a disease known as Epidemic Polyarathritis (EPA). It was named for the area in which it was first identified around 40 years ago. The Ross River flows through the city of Townsville in North Queensland, Australia. Although RRV is generally thought by many of the general public to be a North Queensland Australia problem. Sufferers of EPA caused by RRV is now known to be throughout Australia, and in America (particularly the USA), Europe, Asia and the Pacific Island including New Zealand. Many of those in other countries have contracted the illness during visits to Australia but not all. This site is designed for those people (and their families) who have had the misfortune to be bitten by a mosquito and as a result are victims of Ross River Virus or suspect that they have or have had the virus. It is also hoped that the Medical Profession and Researchers will also learn something from this page, as insufficient information is available. Very few sufferers report that their Doctor diagnosed the illness the first time they went to a Doctor with symptoms. Also very few Doctors are aware of the variety of symptoms associated with the disease or have any idea on the long term effects of Ross River Virus. Since first putting this site up in September 1998, I have been amazed at the number of letters I have received from people with long-term experience with the illness. Some experiencing symptoms for over 10 years before a diagnosis was made. Case 5 is an example. Initially, it was thought that only salt-marsh mosquitoes carried the virus. It is now known that fresh water species of mosquitoes also carry the virus. The author of this page is a victim and so is her husband. Several other relatives and friends also have EPA from RRV. Please contact me if you can provide additional informationon on symptoms, treatment, research or case studies so I can add the information to this site.
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