Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Website dedicated to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

Message of Sri Ramakrishan Paramahamsa

"Do not care for doctrines, do not care for dogmas, or sects, of churches, or temples; they count for little compared with the essence of existence in each man, which is spirituality; and the more this is developed in a man, the more powerful is he for good. Earn that first, acquire that, and criticize no one, for all doctrines and creeds have some good in them. Show by your lives that religion does not mean words, or names, or sects, but that it means spiritual realization. Only those can understand who have felt. Only those who have attained to spirituality can communicate it to others, can be great teachers of mankind. They alone are the powers of light."

Nowadays there is so much religious intolerance in the world that people are killing each other in the name of God. Observing the religious fanaticism, a great thinker pointed out: "We have enough religion to hate one another but not enough to love one another". With a view to eradicating narrowness and bigotry,

Sri Ramakrishna said:

"It is not good to feel that one's own religion is true and all others are false. God is one only, and not two. Different people call on Him by different names: same as Allah, some as God, and other as Kirshna, Shiva, and Brahman. It is like water in a lake. The Hindus call it 'Jal' the Christians 'Water' and the muslims 'Pani'". Swami Vivekananda reiterated Sri Ramakrishna's message of harmony at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago: "Upon the banner of every resistance: 'Help and not fight,' Assimilation and not Destruction, 'Harmony and peace and not Dissension.'"

Sri Ramakrishna's life is the beacon light for the modern world., He was born in this age to uproot doubt and delusion from the minds of people. To the sceptics and atheists, Sri Ramakrishna would say: 'God really exists. You don't see the stars in the day time, but that does not mean that the stars do not exist. There is butter in milk but can anyone see it mearly by looking at the milk? You cannot realise God by mental disciplines." He declared again and again: "The goal of human life is to realise God.'

Sri Ramakrishna Tell Stories

Om Namo Bhagavate Sri Ramakrishnaya

