Hear it Roar!

Hi there!! I'm Teresa, otherwise known as "Iron Maiden". Welcome to my home page. I thought maybe I should explain just how I came about the name IronMaiden. I was given this "handle" while going through Officer Training School back in 1984. Yes, I'm in the Air Force, have been since August of 1982, when I enlisted. I was accepted into Officer Training School in 1984. Anyway, in the hallway of our "dormitory", we students, as was the custom, had a board that folks could anonymously write things about each other. We could quote a phrase that another individual had been heard to say, which sometimes taken out of context, could prove very hilarious. We could also give each other nicknames. The name "Ironmaiden" appeared in the block on the board assigned to me when we were about half way through our 3 months of hell. (Those who become officers through OTS are called 90 day wonders, and I like to say that's because it's a wonder we kept our sanity all the way through). I came to find out on our graduation night that it was my flight commander, a Capt, who had given me the nickname because I had been totally inflexible when it came to rules. Maybe it was because I was prior enlisted, but I took everything very seriously. When most of my class became "upper class" they got more lax and bended rules, such as talking to each other when "marching" to class. I was the loner on sticking to the rules. I was actually ostracized about it, by some, but I didn't care (my flight commander noticed it and told me later that of all the people in my class, I was the one he thought would prove the most successful because of my determination.) I wanted to be an officer! I've always been stubborn, guess I take after my Dad, who was a marine for 22 years. I've always enthusiastically declined to conform to the majority, especially in school where you had to wear the right clothes and hang out with the right people to be "in". I went down my own path, got excellent grades, and was wearing cowboy boots and jeans before they became popular. You may think it funny that I joined the military when I feel this way, but it was my own choice, it's not like I was drafted. Anyway, the name took and I kept it, especially when I started lifting weights at my first duty assignment (Mountain Home AFB, Idaho) as an aircraft maintenance officer. Now that I ride a Harley, it seems even more fitting. I not only lift iron, I ride iron. As a matter of fact, that is the name I've given my Fatboy, "Ironmaiden" and hope to someday get a custom paint job of a female warrior astride an iron warhorse!! I lost my husband to a tragic accident shortly after arriving at Mountain Home. It was the most devastating thing that I've ever had to live through. We had been married a little over a year. Ha, if you thought I was independent before, you should of seen what I became!! I'm sure there were a lot of men out there who were scared of me...I became fiercely independent just to survive emotionally. I turned 40 in August of 1999 (I've never lied about my age, I think I've earned each and every year!!). I think I've mellowed a bit, maybe due to the fact I'm comfortable in my own skin, with my life, where I've been, where I want to go, the kind of person I've been and still am. I returned to the states in July of '97 after almost 9 years in Europe, worked at Andrews AFB, MD for about 2 1/2 years and then worked at the Naval Air Station Pensacola. We moved there in March, 2000 from our home in Southern Maryland. My '97 Harley Fatboy (which I grabbed while I was still in Europe, through the "overseas military buyers program") is the bike I'm sitting on in the picture. I started out on a Yamaha Virago 750 which I rode most of the summer of '98 until I felt I was ready to get on the Fatboy. Once I got astride that beauty, I wondered why I had waited so long. It just felt so right and so awesome! My husband (as of January 2000), Paul,likes to ride the Harley too; he says it's "sweet". He has aspirations to soon own a Road King. We went to our first motorcycle event together down in Daytona in October '98 for Biketoberfest! See my story of the trip, which dwells more on our adventure of "leaving Daytona" than with all the fun we had while there. Let's just say it took us longer to get home than the time we spent in Daytona, and I am now firmly convinced on AAA and cell phones for road trips.

Besides my love for motorcycles (in particular...HARLEYS), I love what lifting weights can do to a woman's body-THE BEST body sculpting method that exists. I've done one body-building competition but don't think I'll do any more, because the dieting is just not good for you...too extreme. I powerlifted for a year while in Germany and loved it!! The deadlift is my favorite event (which may help me out someday if I ever lay my Harley down!!). After competing in both sports, I liked powerlifting best because it was totally what YOU could do, not how you looked that mattered. Bodybuilding competitions are too subjective. Powerlifting is between you and the weight you are trying to lift. Good stuff!! I'm a country music fan, but love the old rock and roll too. I collect TY beanie babies and probably have about 200 of them. I love reading Stephen King and Dean R. Koontz because I can get lost in their stories when I need to relax. Then again, I also love Tom Clancy and John Grisham who deal more with realist day to day stuff. Well, that's enough about me I guess.

Above is our house, front view, below is our kitchen

And yet another picture, looking in from the living room

Looking the opposite direction towards the fireplace

Upstairs, the master bedroom

Last, but not least, the garage!
UPDATE (as of August, 2008)!!!!We now live on 14.5 acres in Wetumpka, Alabama. I retired from the Air Force on the first day of October, 2007, after being stationed at Maxwell Air Force Base for 5 years. We sold the Harley to have extra money to buy our home here, but hope to get another bike (or trike) in a few years. If you'd like to see more of what we're doing now, please go to Monkey Boy Products and you can view our Chubbee Monkey Acre pics. We now raise dairy goats and make and sell goats milk soap, lotion, and a variety of body care products. Come visit us there!

Brianna, the Iron Toddler, at 2 years old.

Caitlin, The Iron Teenager, at 14 years old.

My Story
Paul on our balcony of Daytona Hotel
Paul and Evel Knievel Me and Evel Knievel
Me on my Fat in Eulonia, Georgia
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