The Posse's Home Page
WE ARE A PEOPLE OF PEOPLES. Peeps that happen to pass you by every day...doin' what we do, when we do, why we do, how we do for when we do while we walk down the street. Then that day comes when you are feeling down, depressed, and thinking that no one gives a damn. Unexpectantly, at that very moment, one of us flashes you a smile and says "Hello". Suddenly, you are reminded that you are a part of "HUMAN"!!!
After numerous, various, seasoned generations, centuries of chaos, and unlimited struggles of diversity and individuality, we have become "UNITED AS ONE". A modern day, down-to-earth peeps that have and will conquer all problems with love. Love, unconditionally inherited, knows not age, sex, race, religion, or geography. Such "REAL" love bleeds from our veins in the color of "RED". The love that we represent, signatured into our souls, recreated in our children, invite into our futures and fight for with every waking moment is written into our eternal beings. We are the "foundation of true knowledge", the "walls of strength", and the "platform of caring" that makes this earth...."A Small World After All". This web page is an invitation to anyone that sees with their heart and soul and believes what all the beautiful people on this page believe.
ATTENTION POSSE MEMBERS: I want to apologize for disappearing. Too many changes and negativity to speak about. I'm now 43, Amberle Dawn just turned 24, went to college, dropped out, now realizes my words. A woman without an education is a woman that has lied to herself. Education is freedom and NO ONE CAN EVER TAKE THAT AWAY. James Adam enlisted into the United States Air Force with the intent to be a medic. They are training him to be an "MP" - Military Police. I had asked him to enlist with the Coast Guard. CG saves lives, the other branches do not.
I have never forgotten all the smiles and laughter each one of you have given me. Hell, because of all of you, my counselor tells me I'm sane....LMAO.
Live, Love and Learn. Go and Grow. Always be safe. Keep the love alive. Peace.
Should you want to engage into the craziness, email carebear_75060@sbcglobal.net with your Net handle, location, age and a picture for the page.
- Madam_Trouble, Chillicothe, OH, 39 and getting ready for the big 40 this fall (WOO HOO)
- Celeste, Cedar Rapids, IA, 28
- Jamme2, MN, 20
- Lil_Pimptress, Cincinnati, OH, 22
- Igamble247, Cincinnati, OH, 29
- Goldenchick, Ottawa, Can, 41
- Brownidegurlie & Sam, Newfoundland, Can, 28
- Little Brownie, Newfoundland, Can, 1
- Mr_Imaginative, Denmark, Europe, 25
- Dimples & OneHorseTown, Ontario, Can, 23
- BreonaShae, Rockford, IL, 26
- Ohmnoy2K, Salem, MA, 39
- Nikiiiiiiiiii, Nova Scotia, Can, 23
- ILL_NAW_NAW, Ontario, Can, 19
- Itakemytime2, Germantown, MD, 35
- Hoodlum4U, Columbus, OH, 42
- M2LA, Janesville, WI, 30
- SugarDixon, Boston, MA, 40
- Cute_Guy_In_Rhode_Island, Providence, RI, 23
- Centaurgirl1, Taylor, MI, 35
- Unusualfire, Cincinnati, OH, 29
- Boriqua312, Utica, NY, 18
- Lloyd Powell, Dryden, NY
- HellRazor97, Chicago, IL, 27
- Kelo_98, Bosnia, 30
- Mo_Kitty, Algonquin, IL, 20
- Maplesuga_98, Victoria, BC, Can, 24
- Sorgoh, Minneapolis, MN, 34
- BLKWITHU1, Cincinnati, OH, 37
- Carebear, Dallas, TX, 37
- Shauntel, TN, 19
- Sky_66, Houston, TX, 31
- Randy, Longview, TX, 30
- Monet, Austin, TX
- a_vanillakitty_4u, KY, 23
- Flash, TN, 27
- Uncharted Territory, Dallas, TX, 35
- MyThoughtProcess, TN, 23
- Divehammer, San Antonio, TX, 27
- Pretty_Eyes, KY, 23
- Patch, TN
- Count_Fozzie, KY, 26
- Dtownrican, Dallas, TX, 28
- ATLbadgirl, Atlanta, GA, 23
- Blonde_6Lady_34, CO, 35
- MsJuicyfruit31, KY, 31
- Jazzy_Classy1, Dallas, TX, 23
- Jerry2968_97, Houston, TX, 30
- MochaLatina, Amarillo, TX, 23
- ChocCityBro, Alburquerque, NM, 34
- FarmHooters, New Orleans, LA, 30
- Only_When_Your_Lonely, Columbia, TN, 20
- TxMaleModel, Houston, TX, 25
- Blackbird99, Dallas, TX, 25
- Male_Chocolate_Treat, Atlanta, GA, 29
- blkstud_xxx, New Orleans, LA, 33
- ReallyNiceGuy, Oklahoma City, OK, 37
- Leo_29, Ft. Hood, TX, 29
- Don_dadda21, San Antonio, TX, 21
- ThickWhiteHoney4BlackMan, Elk City, OK, 18
- Kcee35, Ocho Rios, Jamaica, 30
- Orthello62, TX, 36
- Lady6998, TN, 21
- Blackjack29, Memphis, TN, 30
- Krisa1, Houston, TX, 21
- Ivy'98, Ruston, LA, 18
- Grocery_Store, Denver, CO, 21
- Player_dogg_1, Corpus Christi, TX, 34
- OXOXs4u, Little Rock, AR, 29
- MisplacedTexan69, Memphis, TN, 26
- WannaHoldMe, Little Rock, AR, 33
- Last_Single_Good_Black_Man, Jonesboro, AR, 21
- TnShAwTy54, Tullahoma, TN, 18
- JMackaveli, Denton, TX, 26
- Sensuous_latina, Crossville, TN, 34
- SexyL8, TN, 18
- Poetic88, Lafayette, LA, 24
- AllyMarie, Boston, MA, 25
- Phoenix Knight, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 44
- Enoughlove, Tallahassee, FL, 24
- K_itten, Watha, NC, 29
- MrJody, FL, 25
- NinaGirl, GA, 27
- Slick_Talk, Tampa, FL, 25
- PoizonIvory, Atlanta, GA, 27
- Xtasy_1, VA, 23
- DatKid_playa8, NJ, 23
- Tha_SC_Mack_Daddy, SC, 35
- JenGors, Belize, 30
- Sable, NY, 27
- Redheadromanceme, Chapel Hill, NC, 34
- G_Money_G, Orlando, FL, 28
- Bumblebee, Orlando, FL, 21
- Sleep_And_Snore_Ernie, Bronx, NY, 29
- Darq_one, Waycross, GA, 27
- Jax825, Bronx, NY, 37
- Gogogirly, 28
- NicestguyUwillevermeet, MA, 21
- Silk33, Korea Camp Casey, 1st Tank, 33
- Rajman60, Raleigh, NC, 38
- beachbunny98_98, Atlanta, GA, 18
- Honi_69, New Jersey, NJ, 20
- Ohmegamann, Miami, FL, 36
- LollieB, Salem, WA, 35
- DrkMeat, Los Angeles, CA, 31
- Inveme2, Anchorage, AK, 29
- Yenvyme, Los Angeles, CA, 27
- Sira_ulo, Sacton, CA, 22
- Sxy_SunDevil, Tempe, AZ, 23
- SmoothBlackBro, CA, 27
- OhMzThang, CA, (39 and younger)
- LickemLowLuva, Riverside, CA, 28
- Salami_in_my_pocket, Oakland, CA, 24
- Spoiled_Kim, OR, 20
- CMilk, AK, 28
- PRTYNKED, Sausalito, CA, 30
- A_Veronikka_21_F, Sausalito, CA, 21
- Marlia_F_28, Fullerton, CA, 28
- Lil_Dreamer_98_99, Beaumont, CA, 18
- SmoothBaldHead, San Diego, CA, 34
- Bout_it_Bout_it_brutha, Las Vegas, NV, 22
- Mary_Holmes, Flagstaff, AZ, 21
- SexEGrl1998, Paso Robles, CA, 21
- RedLace101, Spokane, WA, 31
- Musicman_62, Bend, OR, 36
- LaLoca_18, UT, 24
- Goober_26, Reno, NV, 27
- Jade_26_F, La Habra, CA, 27
- Shaqq_43, Palm Springs, CA, 34
- Blaze_420, Los Angeles, CA, (but in Tokyo right now), 23
- NY_Special1, CA, ?
- birdman9, Sacramento, CA, 40
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Masterminded and engineered in HTML 4.0 by Carrie D. Gray (alias Carebear) and my email address is carriedgray@yahoo.com
Revised June 28, 2003
since June 4, 1998