"We Do Recover" Zanesville Ohio

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Welcome to the "We Do Recover Group" of Narcotics Anonymous in Zanesville Ohio.  Zanesville is located in a rural community in southeastern Ohio.  NA has been alive and well in Zanesville for over 12 years.  Presently there are five meetings a week.  We may be small, but we try to practice the principles of Narcotics Anonymous in all affairs. Being in a small rural area has it's own challenges in trying to develop an NA community. Over the years we have met the challenges and have once again proven, the lie is dead, "We Do Recover in Zanesville, Ohio".

At this site we have provided links to our meetings, activities, NA links, NA members homepages, and other recovery resources on the net.  We provide this page with love in caring service and our hope to carry the message.  It also our expectation that this page will be a bridge to connect us to our brothers and sisters as a whole to the NA community.  We send a hug to the:

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Meeting List: Map Link

Tuesday Night 8:00pm, "We Do Recover", Good Samaritan Health Pavilion (Corner of Adair and Maple Ave), Open Discussion.

Thursday Night 7:00pm, "We Do Recover", Good Samaritan Health Pavilion (Corner of Adair and Maple Ave), Closed Discussion.

Friday Night 8:00pm, "The Why are We Here Group" (1116 Indiana St), Open Speaker.

Saturday Night 8:00pm, "We Do Recover", Good Samaritan Health Pavilion (Corner of Adair and Maple Ave), Open Basic Text Book Reading Meeting.

Sunday Night 7:00pm, "Spirit by the Light" (1116 Indiana St), Open candlelight Discussion.


"Sixth Annual We Do Recover Camp Out, Sept 11,12,&13th, 1998"

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Any Question Please Email: WebMaster


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We Do Recover

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