Hi there and WELCOME to my web site! Glad you could stop in and say hi. Of course I try to keep updating and fine tuning this place so take a look around, tell me what you like and don't like and come back soon because you never know when this place might change. (:>)~
Here is where you will find some information on my thoughts,who I am and what I've been through. There are lots and lots of links to all over the place. So come on in, take a look around and make yourself at home. I'll talk to you soon.
I have a few friends who are new to the "World of the Web" but have great pages as well. Just click below if you would like to check them out. I'm sure they would like you to visit and sign their guestbook as much as I do. Thx....
I am proud to be a member of
Here is an award I've been honored to receive from the Dragon Kenpo Karate. Please visit there web page to find out more.
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