Department of Public Information
(Including revised Quackbusters International)
An international Non-Profit organization of health care professionals,
learned & practicing in a variety of methods &/or specialties in standard
& alternative health services, dedicated to serve the public in truth. To
do so without any "axes to grind" & without pet projects to push on the
unsuspecting & trusting world populace.
Our staff is mainly from U.S.A., England, France, Germany, Austria,
SE Europe, and the Near East. With associate contributing
professionals from Canada, Greece, Australia, So. Africa, So. America.
India, & China.
We have no affiliation to any government, government agency,
specific hospital or college etc., or corporation of manufacturing or
sales etc., of drugs supplies equipment etc.
WHAT IS THE PURPOSE of our existance & this website?
1.To bring to you the health concerned person, clear honest
unadulterated information about health care, without prejudice,
to the best of human capability.
2.To inform you of the positive aspects of health care methods that
may be clouded by various purveyours of misinformation.
3.To warn you of the limits, fraudulent "quack" claims or hazards of various
standard & alternative health care products or methods.
4.If & when necessary inform you to beware of fraudulent or
exagerrated "quack alerts" etc.
To those ends we hope to be loyal and effective for your benefit and
for the sake of truth in the world at large.
See these pages:
AAA Info on the Great Noni Miracle, What is ...!
Medically "Approved" Health Hazards Being Pushed in Third World and Developing Countries AND in the state of Israel!
Since many health products are being sold via multilevel marketing sytems, we recommend seeing the following site as well. Click their links about MLMs to see a very good study on these systems.
Please note our site is new and under construction.
We hope soon to be adding more information pages, so please do visit us
occassionaly to keep updated.
Questions and comments can be sent to our webmaster via the link
below. Thank you
Email us at Health Center
Please come back soon and visit.
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