Leopold Szondi (1893-1986)
This is the first site of the
Romanian Szondi Initiative Group
This is the site of the "Romanian Szondi Initiative Group" which is now working to promote the Szondi's thinking system in Romania. Therefore, this site is a collection of articles written by members and non-members of our Group, related to Szondian themes. We hope you will enjoy this trip into our ideas and we whish you:Good Szondian Fate!

English articles:

1.  Beginning of Szondi Movement in Romania

    Abstract: This is a short history of the Szondi movement in Romania, as seen by the members of our Group. Beside this historical part, there is another one intended to present our future goals and fields of interest. It is the necessary Curriculum Vitae of our Group.

2. Evolutionary View of the Szondian TriebSystem

Updated 11 February 1999

Abstract: In this paper we formulate three hypotheses concerning the Szondian drive system, regarded from a evolutionary perspective: The Neural Coding Hypothesis (NCH) concerning the way the drives are neurally coded by the brain, the Genetic Coding Hypothesis (GCH) concerning the way the drives are genetically coded (both a biologically plausible and a computational model) and the Evolutionary Adequacy Hypothesis, regarding the fact that the drives are not simple byproducts, but that they are the result of strong selective pressures. The conclusion outlines the fact that our modern environment strongly conflicts with our genetic "legacy" by way of C-type symptoms, diffusing in our entire personality and culture, influencing our future as a species. So, we are facing a cross-road: waiting for the time to change us (possibly by replacing us) or deciding to modify ourselves as to keep ahead of the future selective pressures.

French articles:

1.  Commencement du Mouvement Szondi en Roumanie

   Résumé: Cet article présente l’histoire du mouvement Szondi en Roumanie, racontée par les membres de notre groupe. Mais à coté de la part historique, on présente ici nos intentions et directions d’intérêt. C’est le Curriculum Vitae de notre groupe.

Romanian articles:

1. Introducere in Szondi

Publicat 9 Aprilie 1999

Resumat: Acest articol prezinta o scurta introducere in Szondi, prezentand liniile esentiale ale acestui sistem de gandire.



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