Hello, and welcome to the website of the Hampton Forest Way and Hampton Forest Chase Neighborhood Green Watch! Our goal is to help fight pollution and litter by starting with our community.

WHAT? What is the Neighborhood Green Watch? NGW was founded on August 1st, 2004 by Melissa Shu, as an ongoing community service project. We go out once a week to pick up trash and litter from the roads and sidewalks; we do not handle pet feces, nor are we miracle workers. We merely want to see a little more green in our neighborhood.

WHO? Who can join the Neighborhood Green Watch? NGW is a very loose organization; if you feel that you can contribute to our community by removing trash from public property, then by all means do so. You can contact Melissa at xzwlise@yahoo.com for further information, but keep in mind that NGW is more of a coalition than an actual club.

HOW? How did the Neighborhood Green Watch get its name? From a sign with the words "Neighborhood Watch" on it; you probably have a similar sign somewhere in the quarter that you live in.

WHEN? When does the Neighborhood Green Watch operate? On the weekends, when we're not all attending school. We go out for about an hour or so and just look for trash. However, this is if the weather is nice; no one wants to be tramping around in a downpour. "Tree huggers" aren't so cold-hearted as that. ;)

WHERE? Where is the Neighborhood Green Watch located? We operate in the neighborhoods of Hampton Forest and Hampton Chase, which are in fact very nice residential neighborhoods. They just have a problem with the occasional litter thrown out the window of a car.

WHY? Why does the Neighborhood Green Watch do this? Well, certainly not for profit, but we get a moral satisfaction out of it.

Neighborhood Green Watch was founded on August 1st, 2004. To contact the founder, Melissa Shue, email her at xzwlise@yahoo.com. This layout was created by Melissa solely for the purpose of providing online access to Neighborhood Green Watch. Theft of any material on this site is prohibited and punishable by copyright law. For more information on what copyright is, visit What Is Copyright?.

(C) 2004 - 2005 Melissa Shue & Neighborhood Green Watch