Trail Running in Orange County
last updated April 15, 1998
Welcome To.....
Yes! Welcome! Site still expanding..keep in touch!
Available so far.....
More about this page...(and me)

Mile 21 if one of those 26.2 mile trails in Portland |
I'm planning making this site basically your guide to running trails
in Orange County. I plan on including some photos of the trails (almost
done with my first roll of film! Plan on finishing it this weekend),
some maps, some guidelines, etc..so keep checking back!
If you have questions or heck want a trail running partner, email me
at byau@turing.cs.hmc.edu
Even if I win the Lotto, I still will.. (a.k.a. TODO LIST)
Add Photos of the various trails (taken by me)
Add Primitive-looking scribbled maps (drawn by me)
Make an Optional frames format (once i get lots more pics)
Make available OC Trail Running Merchandise (just kidding)
Who I am ....
Well, i started running not too long ago..maybe 3 years ? i
basically took it up because i wanted to continue to be active
but had to stop playing basketball (my previous sports
obsession)... I've been hooked pretty much ever since.
A friend of mine got me into running initially (she's my girlfriend
now..). And to date i've run quite a few road races (both registered
and unregistered) including two half-marathons and two marathons (with
hopefully more on the way!)
As of right now, i'm not training for any races. I plan on leisurely
running the Bach Bay half marathon (May 17th) but unregistered (mostly
to run with a friend of mine..it's her first). Other than that, no
serious training equls some serious fun running!!! Which is why I
decided to delve more into the trail running/backcountry genre
Is that not enough about me? You want more? check out my much more
tangential stream-of-consciousness home page...
Thanks for visiting!
P.S. a visitor to the page just pointed out to me that nowwhere on these
pages did i put my actual _NAME_... whoops... my name is Ben ... (but
you can call me ray, or you can call me jay, ....now who remembers
THAT commercial? )

Trail Running in Orange County
last updated April 15, 1998
All pages and images Copyright@1998 Ben Yau
These freaky Geocities people are giving out Free Home
the world coming to?