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This web site
is designed to offer support, encouragement and
information for parents of children suffering from Gastroesophageal Reflux and other
motility disorders associated with GERD. If you would like more information on other
areas of support, please check out the reflux support page or email us using the link
below. If you are a Pediatrician or Pediatric GI, we would love to hear your
ideas and comments!! If
you are visiting us for the first time and have any suggestions, or comments about this
site, please send us email! CHECK
Below You Will Find Descriptions of
Other Areas of This Site:
- Reflux Support Mailing lists---Having
a child with reflux is very difficult. Many other parents, friends, and family
members just don't understand. There are other parents out there who understand
exactly what you are going through. These mailing lists are only for parents of children
with reflux. There are several for parents of infants
(birth to 2 years
old), parents of toddlers(2-4), parents of older children(4+), and one for parents of
children who have had the fundoplication surgery or who are contemplating it.
- Our Reflux Kids!--This page is for
parents to show off their reflux kiddos!
Send us your pictures!
- Pediatrician and GI referrals.
This is a great resource for reflux parents. It includes names, addresses and phone
numbers of recommended doctors.
- If you are happy with your pediatrician
or ped. GI, please go to this page and nominate him/her! Other reflux parents need
to know!
- GERD Testing.
Descriptions and
information regarding common GERD tests.
- Reflux Medications All
the information you need on meds!
- Reflux Products---a product
or products that we have found that are very
for parents with reflux children. UNDER CONSTRUCTION
- FUN stuff Poems and humor for
- FREEBIES! A page
with 800 numbers that you can call to get samples, etc.
This website is by no means, to
take the place of a professional medical opinion, however it is designed to offer
information, help and encouragement as the editor deems fit! Enjoy!
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