Hi, my name is Teresa, and I am one of the helpers of HotSprings. Not quite sure what we will be called as things change, but, on, OR OFF, of Geo, if you have a question, I will try my best to be able to help you.
PADD is a support group that a group of us on the Internet, have created. We try to help each other through what too many of us have been through. Together, we are stronger.
I have been a Community Leader in HotSprings for over two years now, I think. It is really hard to remember when I started, because I have travelled here and there and so much has happened in the last few years. I enjoy helping others and sometimes it can be a challenge, trying to find the answers!
In March 99, I was selected to be Community Leader of the Month. I was very honored to receive it. The camaraderie (sp) that you find here with the other people of Geocities has always impressed me.
This diploma is what I got after finishing the course to become a CL (Community Leader). It is made especially for you when you graduate.
Obviously, there are no more community leaders for Geocities...I am in the midst of checking out all the links, but at this time I am just deleting known bad links. I am WAY behind the power curve!!!
What initially got me on the 'net, is a cause. A cause that I have had a very intimate experience with. Drunk Driving. On 4 July 1996, my son Troy was killed by a drunk driver. I wrote a letter a couple of months after he was killed. It is at his site. Please read it.
Because it was a blind intersection, the driver was never charged with any kind of manslaughter. I believe that it is a crime to drink and drive, a violent crime, and should be punished accordingly. I also believe that people who have lost someone to a drunk driver, suffer their own kind of loss that needs its own kind of support.
But now that I am on the net, I find that it helps me to keep busy. I spend a lot of time on the net, working with graphics and HTML. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to learn all that I want to learn. Progression to me, is very important.
These are a couple of really nice and unique organizations that I have joined. The people that are involved in both of them, are some of the nicest people you could 'meet'.
From this site, You can go to two different places (well, actually, more than two), but the ones that I would like most for you to visit to understand me.
PADD and my son Troy's page.
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is a gift for you. From me to you.