HYCEPH-L Listserv Info · Hydrocephalus Links · HYCEPH-L Picture Gallery

Hello and welcome! This website is the homepage for the HYCEPH-L Listserv. HYCEPH-L is a Listserv for people with Hydrocephalus, their family, friends and anyone else wanting to know more about this condition. We will be adding info about HYCEPH-L, hydrocephalus link, a chat room called hydrohaven, an ICQ directory and a picture gallery of some of the members. The purpose of the list is to share information and support in dealing with hydrocephalus.

You are encouraged to mail us at hyceph-l-request@lists.missouri.edu

Come back again soon.

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This page was last updated: 10/30/2003 by Len Rugen (No real changes, just needed touched to keep Yahoo happy!)
HYCEPH-L Gallery thanks to Terry Hynes