Kari's Homepage

Hi, My name is Kari Woiden and welcome to my homepage. Here you will find information about eating disorders, links to other websites dealing with eating disorders, some of my poetry and all about me! First off I want to tell you a little about myself. I am 18 and from British Columbia, Canada, I have had an eating disorder for the last three years and it is the reason why this page exists. I wanted to build a page to help other people who are dealing with the same problems as me, and give them information for their own peace of mind. If doing this webpage helps at least one person than it is all worth the effort put into this. Some of the links associated with this site include two sites devoted to helping others with that struggle with eating disorders.



http://www.mirror-mirror.org - a page containing information about all eating disorders

http://www.something-fishy.com - contains personal stories, information, chat room, FAQ's

Other pages of mine

My Poetry

More Poetry

Even More Poetry

Other People's Poetry

My Personal Story

Eating Disorders

Email me at kariwoiden@yahoo.com

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