About Us

Multiple Myeloma

Hi everyone!  Or should I say G'day?  Welcome to our page.  I hope to be able to show you a little about our country, and the things we like to do.  Get your coffee, put your feet up and relax with us.  Please enjoy your cybervisit to Australia.
My name is Pat, and I have been married to Chris, my wonderful husband of 20 years.  We live in Melbourne, Australia, and we love to visit our superb beaches, or the great outdoors of the Australian bush.  We really enjoy camping down at Wilsons Promontory or just relaxing at home with family and friends.  Our interests are many and varied as you will see.
We have two terrific kids, Lauren and Danielle.  Lauren is 14 and Danielle is 10.  These two keep us very busy with all their activities!!  I'm sure all the mum's out there will know what I mean!  Mum's Taxi rides again!
We also have a couple of medical problems in the family that I will tell you about as well.  We are learning much as we travel along our different medical paths. 
Please come in and visit with us for a while.  Hopefully, you'll get to know us a little and feel right at home with us.  We trust you will enjoy touring around our pages as much as we enjoyed creating them.
Pat, Chris, Lauren and Danielle.

Favourite Sites

Cyberbuddies Pages

Chris' Diabetes Links Pages

Aussie Interests

Spare Time Stuff

Pics Of Us

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Well, here we are in the middle of winter in Australia.  Our weather hasn't really been that cold of late and we've been spoiled with mild temperatures.  My kinda winter!  We are having another Japanese student come and stay with us again this year.  She'll arrive on the 28th July and be with us for nearly two weeks.  We had such fun last year with Hitomi.  We've got lots of things lined up to show our new visitor and some terrific places to take her.  It's a shame she's only here for such a short time.  We can't wait!

This is me with my little car - Kit.