Have you been to the Dr., and ever seen the words "morbidly obese" written on your medical records? Well, I have, and I didn't like it much.

Hi, allow me to introduce myself, my real name is Beth. I am a 28 year old female, mother of 1, and was classified as "morbidly obese".

I have fought with my weight for all of my life. I have tried all the "fad" diets, all the "Dr. supervised" diets, weight loss systems and programs, starvation, vomiting, pills, whatever I thought would help me to lose the weight. Unfortunately, I would lose the weight, then gain it all back (and then some). I was fighting a losing battle, and was paying a HEAVY price for it.

Here is a picture of me shortly before I decided to take control of my life....

December 1997

December 1997

December 1997 Measurements and Information

At my heaviest, I weighed 315 lbs. I was a size 32, had diabetes, sleep apnea, ulcers, a damaged pancreas, other medical problems, and very low self esteem.

I would never go out in public, because I was ashamed and scared. I have a beautiful daughter who I was unable to play with due to my size.

Well, my life is changed now, and that's what my web page is for, to tell you about a remarkable surgery I, myself, had done.

It's called the Fobi Pouch.

Dr. Mal Fobi of Bellflower, CA was the surgeon who changed my life FOREVER! For more information on Dr. Fobi and his lifesaving procedure, visit his web site, Center for Surgical Treatment of Obesity. Or, you are welcome to e-mail me (link is at bottom of page) and I will gladly answer any questions you may have - but PLEASE, first read the questions page before e-mailing me...some of your questions may already be answered!

I began my exciting new life on 30 December, 1997. So far, it has been just over a year since my procedure, but already my life has changed for the better.

I no longer have diabetes. I sleep peacefully through the night. My pancreas problems are a thing of the past. I am active, healthy, happy, and have so far lost a total of 149 lbs. and nearly 22 dress sizes!

I now enjoy going out with my family and socializing with friends. I love to go to water aerobics, taking long walks, and bike rides.

This remarkable surgery has given me a second chance to LIVE my life, and not just sitting around taking up a lot of space. It is also because of this surgery, that I have the courage to become my own person again. I have finally found the strength to leave an abusive and loveless marriage, to take a gamble on myself and to find out that I CAN do it!

As this web page will be an on-going project for me, keep looking for updates from time to time. I wish I had more time to keep the updates going, but with all I am doing now, I seem to find less & less time to dedicate to this page (but there will be occasional updates in the future).

Feb. 1998 Picture and Information

Mar. 1998 Picture and Information

Apr. 1998 Picture and Information

May 1998 Picture and Information

June 1998 Picture and Information

July 1998 Picture and Information

Aug. 1998 Picture and Information

Sept. 1998 Picture and Information

Oct. 1998 Picture and Information

Nov. 1998 Picture and Information

Dec. 1998 Picture and Information

Jan. 1999 Picture and Information

Feb. 1999 Picture and Information

Oct. 1999 Picture and Information

Click HERE to see a layout of all the pictures at once!

If you have any questions you wish to ask, PLEASE visit my Questions Page before e-mailing me! Some of my most asked questions are answered in there already!

e-mail link

Shel'Lee (had surgery 10/97)
Sharon (had surgery 12/97)
ROSANNE (yes, the actress had surgery early 98!!)
Melinda (had surgery 2/98)
Michelle (had surgery 6/98)
Rodger (had surgery 9/98)
Denise (had surgery 9/98)
Kathy (had surgery 11/98)
Barbara (had surgery 11/98)
Debbie (had surgery 12/98)
Dody (had surgery 12/98)
Jeremy (had surgery 1/99)
Nadine (had surgery 1/99)
Lori (had surgery 1/99)
Christy (had surgery 2/99)
Kristy (had surgery 2/99)
Laura (had surgery 3/99)
Amber (had surgery 3/99!!)


I regret that I have not been updating this page as much as it is needed. For those of you who know me personally, and of my situation, you know what I'm talking about. I will be updating in the future, so please be patient. All is well with me, and I have never been happier with my life! This surgery is the BEST thing that I have ever done for myself (and my loved ones). Keep up the GREAT work you all are doing as well, and know that I'm pulling for all of you!!


BETH :o)

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