To see others born with Bladder or Cloacal Exstrophy click on their names below,If you would like to add your name and story please send Story and Picture to Suzikd@hotmail.com Please sign guestbook so we can see who came to visit,,,Thanks!!

WHAT IS BLADDER EXSTROPHY? Bladder exstrophy is a defect in the formation of the bladder. The top surface of the bladder near the front of the body does not fully close, nor do the skin, muscle, and pubic bone that usually cover the bladder. As a result, there is an abnormal opening in the skin at the bottom of the abdomen. The back of the bladder pushes through this opening and bulges outside the body at birth. In addition the urethra, which is the tube which carries the urine from the bladder to the outside, is not closed and this is called epispadias. The defect is associated with several problems. In order to understand your child’s condition, it is important that you understand the normal urinary system which consists of two kidneys, two ureters, the bladder and the urethra. Each kidney filters waste products out of the bloodstream and converts the waste to urine. The urine collects in the ureters, where it flows down into the bladder. The bladder stores the urine until it is ready to be released through the urethra. At the outlet of the bladder is a muscle called a sphincter that the child normally learns to control when he or she is "toilet trained". This sphincter muscle closes to prevent urine from leaving the bladder until we choose to void. When the bladder is full, we let this muscle relax, and then the bladder contracts and urine passes through the urethra to the outside. In the child with exstrophy, there is not a complete sphincter, therefore, urine that reaches the bladder simply spills out of the opening onto the surrounding skin of the abdomen. This can cause irritation of the skin around the exstrophy, but the irritation is easy to deal with by extra-good diaper care, as with any infant, but with more frequent changes.

EXSTROPHY MAILING LIST---To sign up to be on the exstrophy mailing list email~~ majordomo@sickkids.on.ca(put Subscribe Exstrophy in Body message)

To see others born with Exstrophy
UPDATED!!John Derek Kilby
2-11-97 Bladder Exstrophy
Jameson Cade Miller
1-25-95 Bladder Exstrophy
Austin Todd Smith
2-09-97 Cloacal Exstrophy
Paul Anthony Stingo
2-02-88 Bladder Exstrophy
Elizabeth Ashley Cobb
8-05-98 Bladder Exstrophy
Adam Womack
4-16-90 Bladder Exstrophy
Jennifer Mae Buxton
6-24-89 Cloacal Exstrophy
UPDATED!!Robert Allen Sweetser
1-24-00 Bladder Exstrophy
Evan Matthew Stidham
6-14-01 Bladder Exstrophy
David Eduard Ralph
5-17-01 Bladder Exstrophy
Seth Holm
5-07-01 Bladder Exstrophy

Related Links!
Association For Bladder Exstrophy
John Hopkins Hospital
Classic Bladder Exstrophy
Bladder Exstrophy & Epispadias

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*****UPDATED on March 4th,2002*****Created on March 20,1998

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