you have Panic or Diabetes??? There
is Hope!!!
Join my online E-mail support group for people with Panic Disorder. Just fill out the box above and that is it. It is a great group of people out there supporting one another.
HOW DID I GET FREE FOR FIVE YEARS?? I was at the end of my rope I did not realize how severly this disorder had held me. I finally could not cope anymore. I was scared all the time, no matter what I did or how I did it I was SCARED!! It became so old that I had to do something. I finally relented and went to see a therapist, who sent me to a doctor (MD) and I got on some medications. The medications I was on were very new at the time and it did work, for awhile. Then I had some major stressors in my life and it became worse again. I went to the doctor and he changed my medicines, unfortunatly, I had a severe reaction to this medication. Talk about Panic!!! I decided right then and there that I was missing something. I went to my bookshelf and picked up my bible, there I found so many verses about not being afraid, I was astonished. I read and read and read. I knew then the answer was right there in that book called the bible. I started going to church, sitting in the back for quite awhile, and then one year later I was baptized. I cannot tell you the impact this had on my life. I will not lie. It has not been a bed of roses since but, I will get through, I worked full-time for 5 yrs. I was a mom, a wife and most of all I was a person again. I owe my life and my success to the Lord, He did this. I know now that when we are at our weakest HE is at His strongest and I also know that His word is the truth. I had five wonderful years of no panic, I was the Women's Ministries President, I traveled, I sang in front of the congregation, even a solo, I had my life back!! On March 19, 1998 I was diagnosed with Diabetes, this is a condition that causes increased glucose in your blood, it caused me to have a relapse into my panic. When you have an episode of low blood sugar it mimics panic, it does not take long for that well oiled wheel to get turning again. I am back on medications and I have had many good days. I am trying to get my life back through control of my blood sugars and through prayer. I will succeed the Lord is right there with me and I will be well again. Take heart if you have this disorder, there is hope, and the hope will free you.
About the Love of My Life.... To be a spouse of someone that has panic disorder is difficult to say the least. I want to write a small note about my husband Jim. I met him when I was 15 (wow, I was young), he is the brother of a friend of mine, on our third date I informed him that I would marry him someday....and I did. He has been patient, understanding, helpful, supportive and he is my best friend. I could not have gotten this far without his love and hope. We have two boys that have brought nothing but blessings to us. They are now 8 and 11. I would bet my whole life on the promise that is held in my wedding ring. Our covenant that we made almost 13 years ago still holds true today. What God hath brought together let no man put a sunder. Jim I love you. Thanks for always holding my hand.
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