
My Story

Basically my life before the TBI was basically I thought uneventful. Had an average life in school, etc.
I've been married for 27 years to a great guy. We have a great daughter and a beautiful 3 year old granddaughter.
Before the TBI accident, I was working at 2 jobs and going to school to upgrade my position in one of my jobs. It was a freaky accident. I was between the car and a grocery cart. The trunk of the car was open and the grocery cart was full. I had bent over to pick up my wallet which I had dropped. A car edged out of its spot across the isle of the parking lot, hit the grocery carts and hit me in the head as I was getting up. I was taken to the hospital by ambulance Code 4. Pretty scarey. The doctor said that I may have a slight concussion.
Two weeks went by - still had a headache. From the GP's office I was sent to a neurologist for more tests - brain scan and then CT. By September I saw the neurosurgeon. Three operations later, the first for a large VP shunt was in Dec./91 then to a medium pressure and then a revision for a malfunctioning shunt - this all within one year I am now on CPP Disability.
Litigation for the accident is still pending.
Life is not the same. I will be on narcotics for pain for the rest of my life. Before the first surgery the doctor asked where was the pain on a scale of 1 to 10. After responding "14 & climbing" she said that she'd have to revise her scale. My days now are scheduled to do only what I can when I can with lots of REST in between. What a heck of a way to live. I still have bouts of the "why me?" syndrome but my granddaugter brings much joy into my life and with her around I can forget my pain if only for a little while. Thank heavens for the little ones!

Links I Like

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