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Dr. Ajay Bakshi, M.Ch.
Consultant Neurosurgeon
Vidhya Sagar Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences
Nehru Nagar, New Delhi, INDIA
Hi I´m Dr. Ajay Bakshi.
I signed up recently, and am just trying to move in.
This page will describe my job and interests -but it will take some time for me to learn HTML- so please bear with me!
- Background & Training
- Neurosurgical Interests
- Research Completed
- Current areas of Research
- "Social" Projects
- Patient Consulatations-FREE!
- How To Contact Me
- Other Interesting Links

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1. Background andTraining I attended the Delhi Public School and then trained at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi. I did my M.B,B.S. from there and after that joined a five year integrated course in Neurosurgery. This course includes a 1 year rotation to General Surgery and 4 years of intensive training in Core Neurosurgery. After finishing this, I worked as a Chief Resident at AIIMS when I was supervising and teaching other residents. Thereafter, I travelled to Germany and worked with Prof. A. Perneckzky at the University Klinik in Mainz for 6 weeks. Prof. Perneczky is one of the leading authorities in the world on Neuroendoscopy and Minimally Invasive Surgery. I have also worked with Prof. B. Ramamurthi (many consider him to be the father of Neurosurgery in India) in Madras for a short time.
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2. Neurosurgical Interests:
2a. Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery(MIN) : MIN is the main area of my current interest. MIN aims at reducing the invasiveness of all neurosurgical procedures and therfore causing the minimal harm to the patient while dealing with the pathology adequately. This includes the use of Neuroendoscopy, Stereotactic Neurosurgery and Gamma Knife surgery. I have included detailed information about these fields in linked pages and you can access them by just clicking on the topic of your interest.
2b. Functional Neurosurgery: This speciality describes the branch of neurosurgery which deals with diseases which alter the function of the nervous system without producing any visible changes in the brain. This includes Movement disorders (eg Parkinson Disease, Huntington´s chorea, tremor etc), many conditions which produce Pain and many psychiaric disorders. This is in contrast to the other pathologies like tumours, vascular malformations and congenital defects etc which are usually clearly visible on the Ct or MRI scans. There are many neurosurgical operations which can benfit patients suffering from these "functional" disorders and more information about these can be found on the page on Stereotactic surgery.
2c. Neurosurgical Management of Pain: Pain is the commonest symptom of disease in the human body. Most people visit there doctors for the first time to seek help for some painful condition. And in most cases, the primary physician is able to make a diagnosis and treat the disease appropriately. But, many times, as in patients with advanced cancer, for instance, all remedies have been tried but the patients still suffer from severe pain. In these patients, and many others, the neurosurgeon can play a role and helps reduce the patients suffering by altering the inner circuitry of the brain using his surgical skills. This area has been largely neglected in India and we are soon going to start a multidisciplnary Pain Clinic at VIMHANS in New Delhi.
2d. General Neurosurgery: Apart from the above superspecialities, I am also deeply interested in the conventional microneurosurgery. Brain tumours are very difficult to manage and even with all the advances in modern neurosurgery, the outcome of patients with brain tumours is not satisfactory. A lot of research needs to be done in this field and at VIMHANS, we are starting a few projects on this. Surgery for vascular disorders affecting the brain is declining with the availability of Intervention Radiology( a field where anomalies in the brain are corrected through a small puncture site in the groin area using long and thin catheters) and Gamma Knife. Head Injuries remain a major problem and even in moderately busy hospitals, the neurosurgeon is asked to see atleast 5 patients every night. The main thrust here has to be on prevention, strictly enforcing the "drinking and driving" rules and education of the people. Apart from all this, I am also interested in the management of children suffering from neurosurgical diseases and in the management of Nerve Injuries.
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3. Research Completed:
a. The expression of Nitric Oxide Synthases in human brain tumors and peritumoral brain. J. Neurol Sci(in press).
b.Basilar artery cerebral blood flow in severe head injuries- a transcranial Doppler ultrasongraphy study. Presented in the Sixth National Neurotrauma Conference in Banaras and awarded the Best Research Paper award.
c. Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in human intracranial tumours: an experience of 66 patients. Thesis submitted to the AIIMS in 1996.
d. Cranial and Inracranial Epidermoid and Dermoid tumours at AIIMS over 10 years: a retrospective analysis. Thesis submitted to AIIMS in 1996.
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4. Current Areas of Research: I am presently working on the following research projects:
a. Developing a non invasive test of >CSF absoption using MRI/MRSpectroscopy.
b. Developing a training module for neuroendoscopy based on the principles of Virtual Reality.
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5. "Social" Projects: I am very interested in interacting with the community in which i live in and have devised many ways to do so constructively. Firstly, we are going to start a structured program to educate school and college students about the first line management of trauma victims. Most of us living in Delhi come across road accidents faily frequently. And it is our experience that the citizens do not react adequately-mainly due to ignorance. An alert and informed group of citizens which knows what to do at such times will go a long way in preventing many injuries that trauma victims sufferduring transport to the hospital.
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6. Patient Consultations: I welcome any queries or consultations that Internet surfers would like to ask me. These may pertain to any field ofNeurosurgery that i am interested in OR any other topic related to Neurosciences.Please address your questions to ajaybakshi@hotmail.com and i will try to reply as soon as possible. However, medicine is a very delicate field and most often it is not wise to give OR follow specific advise without having seen the patient yourself. Therefore, I will strongly advise you to seek a formal consultation with a doctor in your locality before following ANY advise given by ANYBODY over the Net.
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My addressess are as follows:
Hospital: VIMHANS, 1 Institutional Area, Nehru Nagar, New Delhi, INDIA-110065
Tel: 91-(011)-6924300,-01,-04,6310510,6310520
Fax: 91-(011)-4629922
email: ajaybakshi@hotmail.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/8444
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Here are a few interesting links to help you explore the Net!
- Neurosciences Links:
- Other Indian Medical Links:
- Indian Orthopedics-Features lot of info and links about orthopedics.
- If there are any more, please tell me!
- Links to major medical journals-all searchable and browsable:
- Links to Indian search engines and information pages
- 123India.com-Good and fast searches possible-but still small.
- Agni- Searchable.Good output.
- India Information- True to its name. Has a LOTS of links to other Indian sites.
- Khoj- User friendly- you can browse and search. Quite comprehensive.
- IndoLink-Has good news and features sections. But takes time!
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