I was born in Talca (Chile) in 1960. My Dad's name was Leon (QEPD), my Mom's is Flor and my Sister is Leonora.

I attended the Elementary and Middle School at Escuela # 3 in my hometown...Talca and High School at Liceo # 7 in Santiago (Chilean capital).

I am married with Minerva and have 3 Sons (Sam Jr.-born in Chile-, Christopher and Edward-both born in Tennessee,USA) You can meet them now...

I left my Country in 1989 trying to find new horizons as person and as a professional. Lived in Honduras (My appreciation for my Honduran Brothers) , traveled by CentralAmerica and now I live in USA.

I am a Health Professional(Physical Therapist),resident in Tennessee,USA...In this Page, I'll try to share with you some of my general interests and my professional experiences with you. Also, I would appreciate it if you give me some input and new ideas to keep improving my Page and continue developing my performance and skills in the Rehab field to serve the people.

Also, I would like to share ideas,opinions and interesting facts about the human being and social aspects of life,under solid Principles of FREEDOM, EQUALITY and FRATERNITY and blessed by the Brotherly Love,Relief,Truth,Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance and Justice.

(Click here to View My Personal Pictures...)(Haga Click aqui para ver mis Fotos Personales...)

Let's begin with...!!!

*** MY RESUME ***


Create, design and perform Programs of Physical Therapy . Conduct research and education in Rehabilitation at the local and international level.



Evaluated needs and designed continuing education programs.

Implemented administrative policies and procedures for the AHR team located in Tegucigalpa,Honduras.

Developed training programs for the Healthcare and Education professionals.

Designed and broadcast public service programs regarding the importance of Preventive Medicine.(1989-1993)


Held positions at General Secretary, Public Relations Spokesperson and Coordinator of Post Graduate Training at the Chilean Physical Therapy Association,(1984-89).

Director of the Physical Therapy Department of the World Rehabilitation Fund, Inc.,Honduras in the USAID Program,(1989-93) .

Organized teams for professional seminars and training in foreign countries.


Supervised tests and treatment techniques of physically and mentally disabled patients. Supervises Rehabilitation Teams.


Planned, organized and performed Programs of Health Administration and Professional training in Community Based Rehabilitation as AHR Rehabilitation.


Intensive training in English,Dixson Academy,Santiago,Chile:from July through October 1984 .

Physical Therapist Degree,January 1984 at University of Chile.

Professional Study Programs validated by World Education Services, Inc.,New York,USA(July 1984).

Obtainment of Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Therapy by International Credentialing Associates,Inc., St. Petersburg,Florida,USA(1993).

Professional Study Programs validated and licensed by the Tennessee Board for Physical Therapy,USA(1994).

Registered Physical Therapist, Licensed in State of Tennessee,USA(from August 1994) .

Registered Physical Therapist, Licensed in New York State, USA . (from 2000).

Completed the Seminars "Current Concepts in Wound Healing" , Atlanta,Georgia,USA(February 1995)and "Advanced Wound Healing" , Lexington, Kentucky,USA(September1995),awarded 2.4 CEU's .

Completed the Seminar "Restraint Reduction & Behavioral Management in Long Term Care". Business Network,Knoxville,Tennessee,( April 25,1996).

Seminar: "Validation Therapy",awarded .60 CEU's by East Tennessee State University,Johnson City, Tennessee,USA.(January 1997).

Seminars: "Complete Chronic Wound Management :Dressing to Debridement"...Atlanta,Georgia, USA(August 1997) .

Trained as Certified Nursing Assistants Instructor by Tennessee Health Care Association. March 2001. Nashville, TN,USA.


National Director of Chilean Physical Therapy Association ( 1984-1987).

Professor of Anatomy and Massage at Hellen Keller School for Blinds, Santiago-Chile(1985).

Producer of Radial Diffusion Programs on Health Prevention, Santiago-Chile(1985).

Clinical Physical Therapist (Neurosurgery Institute),Santiago-Chile(1987-1989).

Biochemical Instructor in UOC and School of Dance, Santiago-Chile(1988-1989).

Chief Physical Therapist and Rehabilitation of World Rehabilitation Fund Inc.,Honduras,C.A.,USAID (1989-1993).

Coordinator of Rehabilitation Services for the International Medical Corps , Honduras,C.A-US Task Force Honduras C.A.(1990).

Experience in Television (1994).

Director of Facility Rehabilitation for Apple Rehab Services,Inc.,Greeneville,Tennessee,USA(1995).

Physical Therapist and Director of Facilities Rehabilitation for Tri-City Therapy Services Inc., Johnson City,Tennessee,USA(Dec 95 - Jun 98).

Rehab Manager and Clinical Physical Therapist for John Reed Nursing Home/EldeReed Haus/Steppenstone.Limestone,Tennessee,USA (Jul 98 - Mar 2000).

Corporate Compliance Officer at Appalachian Christian Village, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA (Present, since Mar 2000).

Physical Therapist for NHC Homecare on a PRN basis. Johnson City, TN, USA ( Present, since May 2000).


American Physical Therapy Association, since 1995.

North American Spine Society, since June 2000.


Fluent in Spanish and English languages .

Traveled to Argentina,Chile,Central America , Mexico and USA .

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Links to other sites on the Web

American Physical Therapy Association
American Occupational Therapy Association
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
General information about CHILE
A chilean Nobel Prize
Medical Information

Know where I live...Greeneville,Tennessee,USA
Pictures of My Country...CHILE.

Chilean Art...

SOME OF MY PATIENTS...Wounds Pictures
Pictures of My Job in the Honduran Jungle...

Pictures of my Hands On Wound Care...!!!

Letter for my Great-Great-Great-Great-Grand Kids.

Sam's childhood pictures gallery.

Virtual Hospital.

Family pictures 2001

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