Team Page

Through our quest for healthy , reasonably thin bodies we've learned
a few things . One of the tools that has helped us the most is our dieting is keeping a journal .
We've learned a lot through these little pages of time , and they have helped us learn
about oursleves and our bodies !
Here they are if you wanna take a peek inside our lives :

Melissa's Journal

Brooke's Journal

Jenn's Journal

Introductions :Meet the members of the Groovy Gals!


Hi! My name is Jenn and I am part of Team Slim Six. I am 14 and live in Canada.
Right now I weigh 210lbs. When I am done I would like to weigh between 120 and 130
pounds. I have been heavy since I was 10, and have always felt I had to be more funny
and more smart to measure up to my skinny friends.
I have a lot of reasons why I want to lose weight. The most important one is
so I am healthy. I don't want to be someone who can't go up a flight of stairs without
wheezing, or who develops other health problems because of being heavy.
My second reason is to look good. I hate clothes shopping right now because there
is not many stores that sell trendy, young clothes for bigger girls. I want to be
able to shop anywhere and not have to think about if the store I'm walking into will
have any clothes that will fit.
Another reason is to feel better about myself. I always say to myself " People
would like you more if you were thin." I know that it probablly is not true, but
I can't help feeling like being fat is holding me back. I don't like speaking up
in school because I know everyone looks at me and sees the "fat girl", not someone
who is smart.
I would say the hardest thing about being fat is the way I feel about myself.
I probablly wouldn't be so determined to lose weight if I were totally happy with
the way I am.
My main problems with dieting are staying motivated. I am so excited when I start,
but get bored easily. I also hate water!! I know I need to drink it, but I don't
like the way it tastes. The last major one is that I am always being tempted to eat
bad stuff. At school there are so many vending machines, at home my brothers and
Dad eat it. It seems like I can never get away from it!!
Even at my young age there are a few tricks and tips that I have learned. The
first one is how to weigh yourself. I do it when I wake up, after I go to the bathroom,
naked. I do it the same way every time and then you can get an accurate reading.
My second trick is to drink a glass of water before every meal. Then you eat less
and are full faster. My last one is to eat slowly, this one is pretty obvious but
you should take at least 20mins to finish a meal.
The one thing that I really want to do when I am thin other than enjoying it
and flaunting it is wearing a bikini. I want to be totally comfortable on the beach
and swimming. That would be the best feeling.
By losing this weight I will be able to get ove the little bit of shyness I have
left, and be more comfortable talking to people. I will be healthy and much more
happier. The most important thing I will accomplish is self-esteem, I will feel so
much better with myself.
Right now I don't really have an exercise routine. I just exercise when I get
the chance. I want to exercise four times a week at a certain time for 45 mins. to
an hour.
Losing weight and getting healthy is very important to me. I don't care how long
it takes as long as I can do it. As long as I am still breathing I can have the strength
to get up and start again.


I'm an 18 year old senior living in Walla Walla, Washington. I'm 5'6",
I curently weigh 205 pounds and my goal weight is to be around 140
pounds. I like to hang out and talk with my friends, play or listen to
music (I play the flute), crochet, and talk with my close friends on
I want to lose weight so I can feel good about myself and become
healthier. I also want to be able to believe people when they tell me I
look good, I want more self esteem and self confidence. I think the
hardest part about being fat is having to look at myself on a daily
basis and just being disgusted with my body image. This is depressing
and makes me feel helpless, which triggers binging and only makes me
gain weight.
The biggest problems for me when I diet is exercise and resisting to eat
everything. I absolutely hate exercising, so I just dont do it. I'm
trying to stop that by going for occasional walks with friends or alone.
But, I find myself making excuses like: 'I dont have enough time' or
'the weather isn't nice enough' or 'I dont feel good today.' I know
that I need to stop making these excuses for myself and just get out
there and exercise, and I believe this will be the hardest problem for
me to overcome.
I'm not currently following any diet plan except for watching my calorie
and fat intake. I dont have an exercise routine either, although I know
I need to get one!
set on losing this weight,
for myself. So I like myself better!
Umm...my greatest problem is the fact that I am still getting used to not
getting rid of my food after eating. I don't have any particular
cravings, however I have the tendancy to binge on healthy food, telling
myself "Hey, it's healthy, I can eat it." But that has to stop.

Howdy ! My name is Brooke Wesson . I live in east TX.
I'm 18 , 5'9" and I weigh at the moment 225 lbs.
I've struggled with my weight since I was young I I don't ever remeber being less than "chubby" . I have an addiction to food , and it's going to stop.
There are quite a few reasons why I want to lose weight the most important being my life. If I don't lose this weight now ,
I met die young of diebetes or heart disease , which are rampant in my family . I'm losing this weight now while I'm young , while it's easier , while it won't affect me for the rest of my life . Does saying these things make it easier ? NO! but its the facts.
I also want to lose weight so I won't have back problems when I get older . You see I have a curvature of the spine , just like the hunchback of notre dame . It's hereditary and we didn't catch it soon enough to correct it with back braces . I would have to have surgery to correct it . To keep my back looking straight I have to stand as straight as a board with my shoulder blades pressed togther . Imagine having to do that everytime you go in public . Imagine not being able to bend over the slightest bit or your back will hunch and people will stare .It's not fun . It's also complicated my the fact that I'm 80 lbs. overweight . It wouldn't be half as noticeable if I was thin . That is another main reason .
Another is purely vain . I would probably be quite attractive like my mom if I were thin . I would be more popular , guys would actually flirt with me , I wouldn't be embarresed to go out in public wearing shorts or a bathing suit . No more sucking in !!
*gasp* No more shopping in the womens section . No more
lying to my friends when they ask where I get my clothes , because I'm afraid to let them know I shop at Lane Bryant , a
store they have never heard of . I could go on and on .
I also want to be fit and healthy . I enjoy running and tennis and sports , but I can play and do them for only short periods because I'm so out of shape . I want to be able to do things thinner people take for granted without wheezing .
I want to not have wedgies because my thighs rub together
The hardest thing about being fat is being prejudiced against .
Nobody wants to be the fat girls friend . I now have tons of awesome friends who love me for who I am , but there are a lot of people who only look at the outer appearances.
Not that I want to please them . It's just that I could do so much more without 80 lbs sagging on my body .

groovy people have visited this page since February 17, 1998