with a site means the description which goes with that site was quoted from the page itself.
Lippincott's Nursing Center (AJN)
'The Center is committed to providing practicing nurses, researchers, and educators with direct access to powerful educational opportunities and information.'
Addison-Wesley Nursing Network
Web-Nurse online
'Your On-Line Nursing Information Source!'
Medical Matrix
'Ranked, Peer-Reviewed, Annotated, Updated Clinical Medicine Resources'.
note:just about any topic you want has info listed.
WorldWide Healthcare Forums
'WorldWide Healthcare Forums was created to facilitate interaction
among healthcare professionals in specific topics.'
note: a great resource to find info on specific topics.
The Nursing Student WWW Page
'The Nursing Student WWW Page is dedicated to nursing students worldwide.
It is intended to be an informative resource - 'a site made for us - nursing students' '
'Home of Nursing97, Nursing Management and The Nurse Practitioner'
note: CHECK OUT their Nursing Student Page.
WorldWide Nurse-Brian Short RN
'The resource for NURSES and health professionals on the internet.'
'Our vision is to help make sense out of the shifting, intensely growing medical information
base of the internet...for nurses, students and other healthcare professionals.'
'NursingNet's mission is to help further the knowledge and understanding of Nursing for
the public, and to provide a forum for medical professionals and students to obtain and disseminate information about nursing and medically related subjects.'
Future Nurses Mailing List
You'll find info here on how to subscribe the list.
SNURSE-L Mailing List
Info on how to subscribe can be found on this page.
NOTE: I subscribe to both of the above, and both are excellent!
The Virtual PNP
'The Web Site Dedicated to Pediatric Nurse Practitioners and their Child and Adolescent Patients...Designed & maintained by and for PNPs'
Health, Fitness, and Medical Downloads
Includes Drug calculations, medical newsletter via e-mail.
An Interactive Nursing Web
Sign up for the Virtual Mentoring Project. Get paired with an RN, or another Student Nurse!
note: The mentoring is done on your own time, via email, chat, etc...
'...the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) premier bibliographic database covering the
fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, and the
preclinical sciences.'
'...database of more than 8.8 million references to articles published in 3800 biomedical journals may be accessed free of charge on the
World Wide Web.'
The Student Nurse Information Center
'This site is dedicated to providing nursing students with some helpful information and links to other resources on the internet.'
The NetNurse Web Site of Steve Davis, RN
Although Steve is not a Student Nurse, his pages do contain some good information, and links to other places.
Dale's Nursing Links
A sub-page of his regular page, you can find some good links here!
A Webring is a collection of websites about a particular theme that are all linked together for easy traveling from one page to the next. Below are some webrings related to Nursing that have many informative and interesting sites to check out.
This page is a member of some of the below webrings. If you came here on one, you can get out on it.
12-lead ECG Library
'An electrocardiogram (ECG) is an electrical recording of the heart and is used in the investigation of heart disease. This library is a collection of realistic looking recordings which will help improve your ECG skills.'
note: A MUST see for ECG help!
Webster's Fine Art of Nursing
'Welcome to the finest site for information about professional nursing on the World Wide Web. This ever-evolving place is your best avenue for access to
electronic information about professional nursing on the Internet.
Nursing and Health Related Internet Resources
Another large list of health related links.
Medical Links
HUGE list of Medical and Health Sites on the Web
Nursing and Health Care Resources on the Net
A great listing of links to specifically themed pages.
Nursing Resource Home Page
'Professional points of interest relating to the nursing profession.'
Men in American Nursing History
'The purpose of these pages is to provide an overview of the history of men in nursing with an emphasis on men in the Americas.'
BJ Pinchbeck's Homework Helper
More than 380 sites on the internet listed to help you find just about anything you're looking for.
Cool Nursing Site of the Week
'What makes a COOL nursing site? Obviously it has to be of interest to nurses, and those interested in the profession.'
note: This site is a great place to find those not-so-well-known nursing sites out there!
Weird Nursing Tales
'...I have here a collection of stories from members of the medical profession. Stories of death.... Stories of ignorance and injustice.... And stories to make you smile at the sometimes funnier side of medicine.'
Does your school have a webpage? Want the world to know where you go?
Simply fill out the FEEDBACK form and let us know!!
Last updated February 28, 1999