Welcome to The Chapel. There are many
things here for your enjoyment, and I hope that your
visit will be a blessing to you!
Visit the various areas of the Chapel and enjoy artwork,
music, scripture, testimony, and sermon outlines. Sign
our Sharing Book, or post Prayer Requests and Praises on
our Prayer Wall.
Here are the facts, straight from the
Bible: God created the world and everything in it. He
created you and me and everyone else just the way He
wanted us to be. We sin a lot, everytime we do something
that make God unhappy, it is a sin. Like: lying,
stealing, fighting, calling each other names, hurting
people's feelings, ignoring someone in trouble, thinking
mean thoughts on purpose. These things are all wrong. We
all do some of things, probably every day. Just because
you sin, it doesn't mean that you are a bad person. God
wants us to be happy, and to be with Him in heaven when
we die. So He made a special way for us to make it up to
Him when we do wrong things. He sent His Son, Jesus, to
die on the cross to show us how much He loves us and how
much He wants us to get right again after we do wrong
All we have to do is take this gift that God gave us. It
is the most important thing you could ever do. If you do
not accept this gift, you will not be with Jesus forever
after you die. I know that I want to
be with Jesus in heaven!! If you have never asked Jesus
to come and live in your heart, if you have never asked
God to take over and rule your life, then you can do it
right now. It is easy! And once you have God in your
heart (through the Holy Spirit) He never, never, ever
leaves! When you are scared He is there, or hurt or
angry. All you have to do is pray and He will be right
there to help you! Here is one way that you can ask God
to be in your life:
All you have to do is say "I know
that God sent Jesus to die for my sins. I am sorry for my
sins, and I will try to do better. Please come into my
heart and take control of me."
Now, just because you have Jesus in your heart does not
mean that you won't sin anymore. We are weak people. But
you will be stronger, and you will feel bad when you sin,
and you will want to pray and tell God you are sorry and
ask Him to help you do better.
Love the Lord with all your heart, and love the people
around you too, as best you can. Treat people nicely just
like you want them to treat you. And remember that God
loves you more than anything you can even think of, and
He always will!!
above is the witness statement that I make to the
children in my Latchkey Program. It is very simplistic,
but 100% true. Jesus says to come to Him like a child and
all it takes is the faith of a child to become a whole
new creation! If you have any questions about this
statement or anything on my site, please write to me.
