The Academy
of Family Physicians OF MALAYSIA
This is the home page of the Perak Section of The Academy
of Family Physicians of Malaysia. Here we highlight our academic activities
and you can find out more about us, what are the characteristics of a Family Physician, the Academy of Family Physicians of Malaysia, the state of Perak (the Silver state) and many more things as we build up this site. Our main activities are the Vocational Training Programme leading to the Conjoint MAFP/FRACGP examination. Since February 1999 the Secretariat of the VTP was temporarily based in Ipoh but from 27th June 2003 it has shifted back to Kuala Lumpur (main Academy office). We also have activities planned for members (please double click on Continuing Professional Development for Perak section members below). Enquiries are most welcome.
WEBSITES FOR CLINICAL TUTORS - new! - Look under contributions
Continuing Professional Development-Activities 2003,
Activities 2004 / 2005
Link to
Royal College of Medicine Perak
Interested in teaching full time or part time and obtain MAFP/FRACGP at the same time?
The Royal College of Medicine Perak is looking for full time or part time lecturers / tutors in primary care / family medicine.
Lecturers - must have postgraduate qualifications in Family Medicine /Primary Care such as FRACGP, MRCGP, MMed(Family Medicine)
Tutors - must have basic medical degree recognised by Malaysian Medical Council, with experience in primary care and be willing to undergo vocational training in Family Practice
Interested please contact Professor Chan Sook-Ching (email address - H/P 017-5780089)
This page is last updated on 28th July 2005
A physician is obligated to consider more
than a diseased organ, more even than the whole man - he must view the
man in his world.
Harvey Cushing (1869-1939)
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