My opinions on bodybuilding

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At 39 I was a middle-aged man of 265 pounds, all fat.I decided on my Birthday that I was too young to be that old! I couldn't move, and I was out of shape to the point where walking was a lot of work. My cholesterol was 285.
I was put on a low-fat diet which I stuck to faithfully for 11 months. Also took mevacor(a hipatotoxic drug to lower serum lipids) and a vitamin robbing resin called Questran. Between the diet and the drugs, in 11 months my weight dropped to 250, and my cholesterol went down to 248! Sucks!
Had high bloodpressure which wasn't being well controlled by my large-dose beta-blocker. Then a medical professional (my best friend David) gave me the New Atkins Diet Revolution.
Figured, what the hell, I'm damn tired of rabbit food and non-fat dressings anyway. Book's biology made sense to me. Starting cholesterol 248, at 5:1 ratio. 3 months in, 210 at 3:1(good cholesterol to bad ratio) At 2 years, 141, at 2:1!!!
Now my cholesterol is too low!! Thats eating quarter pounders, eggs and steaks everyday! Screw the low-fat idiots!
OFF QUESTRAN. OFF MEVACOR. OFF LOPRESSOR(blood pressure med.)...Waist is back to 31" as it was when I was 20!


Sorry about the quality of my web-cam photos, but every time I post a clear posed photo, someone either accuses me of being on "roids" or putting my face on someone else's body! Both bug me to the point where I don't do bodybuilding shots online. Yeah, I wimped out !

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