So u wonderin how I got the name HardCocK??? Mo'days, clik here than yo

Mammacitas, in case yo ass know me/like me u can reach me here yo......hardc0k@yahoo.com (Mo'day dont be shy now godamnitt)

My uncles babyboy Antony at 6 months

This is my lil'black pit CoBra, I luvd this nigga hella lot...when he got stolen a part of me died. Even after 7 fukkin years not a fukkin day goes by that I dont think about u. U woulda been the best baby!
click here for my lilhomies page

My pet snake Kobra, a red-tail boa constrictor. I bought him when he was jussta lil'ass baby no bigger than a pencil yo. When I left for Arkansas I gave him away to a pet store. Shiet u know how Hmong OG's are, a snake in the house is bad luck. I luvd that snake godamnit.....cause he was lazy like me yo