
Layla's Fibrous Dysplasia Homepage

Hmm. Ever since we disappeared from Yahoo (and I haven't been able to get re-listed), this site hasn't had much traffic. Granted, I also haven't had much time to work on it since the redesign last year... between work and my various other projects, this site has slipped through the cracks. I don't intend to take it down, and I always email back those who send me mail, but there probably won't be much new stuff around here for a while. At least I finally took down the counter, which hasn't worked right in ages.

Oops. I have discovered that my email address was typed incorrectly on most of these pages. Sorry -- I love hearing from all of you! Didn't mean to cut you off! It's fixed now.

So welcome to the new, redesigned Fibrous Dysplasia Website. Finally, after two years, new graphics! New links! Even a message board... provided by Cgi-For-Me. Yes, I'm still holding out against placing ad banners on my page (meaning that you have to deal with those pop-up windows--sorry! If you'd rather see ads, just email me and let me know...)

Many thanks to everyone who has sent me feedback and suggestions for this site over the last two years. Until I put the site up, I'd never met or heard from anyone else with FD. It's been wonderful to hear from you all and many of your suggestions have been incorporated into the redesigned page.

I have had fibrous dysplasia since I was nine years old. This page was created in 1997 in response to the lack of FD information on the 'Net. I have attempted to gather together all the links and medical information that I could find to help others like me, looking for help or resources or just wanting to meet others like themselves.

(The Disclaimer) I have no medical training and I'm not an expert, just an interested person. I've tried to collect the most up-to-date and accurate information possible, but this page is not a medical reference and can't substitute for talking to your doctor. The page is still being written and new material is being added as I become aware of it.

If you have any links, information or just comments, please mail me .

What is fibrous dysplasia?

Links to fibrous dysplasia sites

Other links of interest

Go to the message board!

My own experience with fibrous dysplasia

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