The Herbal Four-Um

"Bringing the Best of Nature's Gifts to You"

Welcome!  There is an old saying that "Physicians heal, Nature makes well".  We at the Herbal Four-Um adhere to this belief.  This site is dedicated to bringing you the very best and most accurate, up-to-date information on herbs and herbal products, as well as helpful tips about using herbs and other gifts of nature to enhance your health and well being.  We hope that you find this information useful and enjoyable. 


Passion Flower 


Herbs To Make Your Christmas Merrier 
Herbs For A More Joyful New Year 
Valentine's Day - An Evening Of Celebrating Love! 

Glossary of Medical Terms:

Medical Definitions 


  These are some of the many good books about herbs and herbal products. These references cover some of the many diverse uses of herbs. 

Holistic Herbal by Dr. David Hoffmann 
                                   (ISBN  1852307587) 
How To Be Your Own Herbal Pharmacist by Dr. Linda Rector-Page N.D. 
                                     (ISBN  1884334520) 
Between Heaven and Earth by Harriet Beinfield, L.Ac. / Efrem Korngold, L.Ac.,OMD 
                                     (ISBN  0345379748)
A Modern Herbal Vol I and Vol II by Mrs. M. Grieve  (Known as the Herbalist's Encyclopaedia) 
            (VOL I:  ISBN 0486227987/  VOL II:  ISBN 0486227995)
The Encyclopaedia of Essential Oils by Julia Lawless, Aromatherapist 
                                     (ISBN  1852303115)
Aromatherapy:  A Lifetime Guide to Healing With Essential Oils by Valerie Gennari Cooksley RN and Aromatherapist 
                                     (ISBN  0133494322)
Flower Essence Repertory by Patricia Kaminski and Richard Katz 
                                     (ISBN  0963130617)

   Thank you for visiting The Herbal Four-Um.  We hope you find the information provided here beneficial to you in your quest for a healthier and more natural lifestyle. If you have any questions about herbs and their uses please drop us a line at or you may write to us at
The Herbal Four-Um
Sheila Sullivan
P.O. Box 620799
Atlanta, GA 30362
and we will be happy to assist you.

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     This page was last updated 4/15/98.
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