To Everything
There is a Season.......

I am currently working as a Social
Worker in a Nursing Home. Many people reply,
"How can you work with those old, sick people?"
However, growing old is part of God's creation!

I would like to share a story with you.
Due to confidentiality, I will call her Sara.

Everyday Sara would walk with her
walker to the Activity Room.

Sara outlived her husband and
immediate family.
My days were busy,
but I would take a few minutes
each day to speak with Sara.
She loved watching
birds from the Activity
Room window. Occasionally, I would listen
to her
reminisce of her childhood
and youth.

Eventually, Sara became weaker
which limited our visits to her bedside.
Soon, she passed away. Later,
I found a folded piece of paper
with my name on it inside her Bible.
I opened up the note and it read,
"Thank you for listening."
Love Sara.
This spring
I am going to place a bird feeder
outside my office window for the residents.
As the residents watch the birds and reminisce,
I will continue to listen.

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