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Welcome to the DAWN: Disabilities Awareness Webring Network - a webring connecting in a circular fashion the home pages of other disabilities-related sites. It's a fun and efficient way to surf the web.
Updated 1/30/98: In order to clear up any misconception of what a disability is, the following requirement is in place:
"Disability" shall be defined as:1. Any physical or mental condition defined by law under the Americans with Disabilities Act or PL94-142, or
2. Any physical or mental condition which significantly impedes a person's ability to function at a level typically considered "normal" without adaptations to education, work, and/or daily living skills.
Does Your Site Qualify?
Qualifying submissions will be websites that promote disabilities awareness, support for people with disabilities (or their parents), empowerment of people with disabilities, etc. A disabling condition, or augmentative, therapeutic, or social support, must be the main theme of the website submitted.
Check out a Random Site from the ring. Join the Ring
To join the DAWN: Disabilities Awareness Webring Network, visithttp://nav.webring.yahoo.com/hub?ring=dawn&list.
That's all that there is to it. Thanks for your interest in the DAWN: Disabilities Awareness Webring Network. See you around the web!
The Author is a member of Created on September 18, 1997
Pamela Cale, Ring Administrator
This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
The Special Interest Group
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