This page is dedicated to of Spinal Cord Injured (SCI) Patients in Pakistan who are waiting for a Rehabilitation Center with all the caring facilities under one roof.
We need your help.
Every paralysed person has only one wish and one goal; to walk again and become totally independent. This can only be possible with complete cure which is long awaited. Recent research has shown the possibility of such a cure within the next five to seven years. Many people don't believe in this but most of us do. Until such time we have to go through extensive rehabilitation which can restore some lost functions and give us some freedom. Unfortunately thousands of patients in Pakistan do not have the facility of Rehabilitation Center.
If you can't help us in getting a Rehabilitation Center, you can certainly help us by donating to institutions dedicated to Spinal Research or Trusts which finance research. You can find a list of these institutions on Links page.
Click & donate
If you do not want to donate cash then please sign-up for iGive membership and join Spinal Cord Injury Support Group. Membership is free for you but it will give a donation of $2-5 to SCI Research. In case you decide to do some online shopping iGive will give 2%-12% of purchase price to SCI Research. You must click through mall to the vendor, and forward your e-mail order confirmation to
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You will find here:-
- Details about me and the purpose of this site.
- Detailed info about Spinal Cord Injuries on SCI Info pages.
- Glossary of SCI terminology.
- Downloadable Spinal Cord Injury Guide (Windows Users).
- Links to other SCI related sites on SCI Links.
- Information about my country on Pakistan pages.
- My Photo Gallery.
- Uptodate links to freeware Windows Software.
- Some fun stuff about Computers and its terminolgy.