Dave's Places In Radiology  

The Ultimate Radiology Links Site

Woeber Computing2001CTDave95

My Link Pages

Dave's Radiology Links

Thousands of links to almost all the known radiology links that I have found.  You may want to book mark this page!!

Updated Weekly

State Licensure/Registration Information

The above site contains contact information for radiology licensing by state.

Radiology and Imaging Journals Links Page

Updated Quarterly

Dave's Radiology Hospital Links

All or most of the Radiology Hospital Sites on the Web.

Updated Monthly

Dave's Radiology Student Page

A place for student radiology students to hang out.......check it out!!


Quick Links





General Sites


Information Sources

Lists of Resources



Nuclear Medicine

Other Organizations

CT Links


The Woeber's Personal Page

Check out what Vivian and I are into both locally, and in the world of the Internet.  This page is great for all you Wheeling, West Virginia area folks.

My Wife's Geocities Nursing Home Page

My wife maintains a very intensive nursing web page, I think you will enjoy!!

Dave's the Drummer Jazz Page

I Love Jazz Midi's, You'll love the selections


XRAYDEB'S Humor Pages

Vote for your favorite page!!

Humor Page 1

Humor Page 2

Humor Page 3

Humor Page 4

Humor Page 5

Humor Page 6

Humor Page 7

Humor Page 8

Radiology Job Sites

Hot Radiology Jobs.com

Radiology Jobs, Rad Tech Jobs, Radiation Oncology Jobs on the Radiology Job Network.

RADIOLOGY JOBS - employment careers resumes radiology employment job postings - radiology careers


Welcome to Radiology Jobs

Allied Physician Jobs


Radiology Department

Radiology Jobs Page


Allied Health Jobs


Travel Nurse Jobs & Radiology Technologist Employment, Staffing & Job

Radiology Jobs

Radiology Jobs: mammography tech jobs, ct tech jobs, radiation therapy jobs, x-ray...

Jobs in Radiology


NUCLEAR MEDICINE JOBS -nuclear medicine employment radiology jobs medical jobs...

Radiology Careers

The Functional MRI (fMRI) Network


These pages are dedicated to all technologist's in search of research, and resource links on our profession as Radiologic Technologist's. Hello my name is Dave Woeber, I'm a registered radiologic and CT tech.  I've been in the profession for almost 30 year's now.  My interest in the Internet started in the early eighties and I have searched the Web for about that many years and decided to make a web page for us technologist's,  I believe these links to be the best, I continually search for the newest sites!  At the moment this will strictly be a link's page, but my future plans include a monthly case presentation for CT, and CE credits through the ASRT.   Visit the most comprehensive radiology imaging search site on the Internet at RadCenter. A just added AuntMinnie.com radiology's premier online resource, with news, education, commerce, and community opportunities for medical imaging professionals. AuntMinnie members can polish their image interpretation skills, read about the latest radiology news, buy equipment and books, and learn about new opportunities in the industry through our wide range of features and services.

Feel free to use them all, rad tech's you'll find something here on almost any subject in our field that will interest you!!

This site is best optimized with:   Download Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer IE4 or 5


Italiano Versione English Version

My front page is now translated into Italian, Thanks to, Patrucco Franco!!

News from AuntMinnie.com

AuntMinnie.com is radiology's premier online resource, with news, education, commerce, and community opportunities for medical imaging professionals.
AuntMinnie members can polish their image interpretation skills, read about the latest radiology news, buy equipment and books, and learn about new opportunities in the industry through our wide range of features and services

Yahoo Club Click Here To Visit The Clubs      Come join these YAHOO Clubs!!


A Place for Radiographers and Imaging Professionals

X Ray Technologist Hangout

Xray and the effects it has on us mentally... :)

MAC's Mammo Club
A spot for mammography technologists.

A spot for mammography technologists.


This is a message center for radiologists and radiographers (techs) to discuss job opportunities, technical problems and anything else related to medical imaging.

MRI Technologist Hangout

Keep up to date and ask questions about MRI

Traveling Temp Imaging Pros
Traveling image Pro's

Koky and Dean Radiographer club
Slovenian radiographer club

RadiologĂ­a para profesionales

New Sites this Month


Our mission is to provide high quality CBT computer based training (CD & Net work) to  meet the continuing education requirements of the ASRT and ARRT for registered Radiologic Technologists and other licensed individuals. As will as being a resource for information on JCAHO, MQSA and other regulatory information.


This site is dedicated to helping the hard working Xray professional satisfy his/her CME credit demands. Articles that have been written by well known specialists in the Xray medical field are available for FREE!  You can read the articles and questions for a CME test online or download a copy for reading offline.   After reviewing the article and questions, log back on to XrayCredits.com and take the test.  Once you have passed the exam, you will have the option to submit your score and receive your CME credit(s).


Designed specifically for medical professionals, LWWoncology.com is the most comprehensive and powerful cancer resource available on the Internet.

Radiological Services

Radiological Services offers a wide variety of Continuing Education materials for radiologic technologists. All materials are approved for category A by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists and accepted by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists.

Dave's Places Guest Book

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Make Dave's Places In Radiology Your Home Page

Find out right Here!!

I hope you found everything you were looking for, if not do your searching at the most comprehensive radiology search engine on the net.


Please Visit Out Own Personal Web Page, I think you will enjoy all the information we have to offer.

The Woeber's Personal Page

Check out what Vivian and I are into both locally, and in the world of the Internet.  This page is great for all you Wheeling, West Virginia area folks.

My Wife's Geocities Nursing Home Page

My wife maintains a very intensive nursing web page, I think you will enjoy!!

I Love Jazz Midi's You can Listen To Them at

Dave's the Drummer Jazz Page


Thanks for visiting and, Stop Back Soon!!



Site Visit Mircosoft's New "Frontpage 2000" and maintained by Dave Woeber RT(R)(CT)  Site Updated on 01/21/2002  

Yahoo/Geocities Counter

Yahoo/Geocites Counter


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The Best Radiology Links









Links2Go Radiology

Martindale's Health Science Guide - 2002

Medical Imaging Room

MEDMark Radiology Bookmarks

Nick's Radiography Page


The Medical Radiography Home Page

Radiology Central


Radiographers Reporting


Rad Sci Online


*XrayDebs Page*

Yahoo Radiology


ArcMesa Educator's


ASRT Continuing Ed Online

Canadian CE


CMESearch.com Radiology

Christy Imaging Seminars




Free CE







Northwest Image Forums


Online Learning Center

Radiological Services


Stanford Online Radiology CME

Teleconference Network of Texas

The Burwin Institute



CT Titles

DirectBooks USA

Journal of Women's Imaging

Medical Imaging Titles

Merrill's Atlas

Oncology Resources for Providing the Best Care to Your Patients

Radiology Titles

Baylor Rays Online Journal

Resource Sites

Here are of the best resource pages that I have found on the Internet

Aunt Minnie

Martindale's Health Science Guide - 2002



*Bare Bones Radiology Page*

Bare Bones Radiology Page   is a very good patient teaching site


A resource page for CT Technologist's. Presented by Elliot K. Fishman, M.D. and AMIL of  the Department of Radiology at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions in Baltimore, MD.


Is the most comprehensive and powerful cancer resource available on the Internet.

Radiology InfoNet

Radiology InfoNet another outstanding resource center

*Yahoo Radiology*

Yahoo's Radiology Resources

*XrayDebs Page*

My Geocities Xray friends site. Drop by to this very unique and refreshing site, you'll enjoy the visit

Thanks Deb!!