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About AshebaPhoenix DesignsBedouin Dancers

Come see our show "Tales of the Gypsy Moon!"
Coming November 15th, 2008 at the Arneson River Theater from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Tickets on sale now for $10.00
For more information, click here

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Asheba has studied Middle Eastern Dance since 1982. She is a teacher, performer, seminar instructor and costume vendor in San Antonio, Texas. Her style is technically complex, ranging from emotionally compelling to fun and flirtatious. She teaches weekly classes at a studio in northwest San Antonio, Texas. More information is available by email.

Asheba teaches basic as well as intermediate to advanced Egyptian and Turkish Rom (gypsy) technique. Her curriculum includes taxim, cane, sword work, stage presence, costuming, zils (finger cymbals) and dumbek (drum) rhythms.

The Bedouin Dancers

The Bedouin Dancers, Asheba's troupe have performed at seminars throughout Texas and are favorites at many events around the San Antonio area and several around the state. Also, they dance for many non-profit and fund raising events.