Biocontrol Technology, Inc.'s Subsidiary,, Invests In MicroIslet, Inc. to
Find a Cure for Diabetes.
Tuesday January 25, 2000, 8:02am
Source: PR Newswire
MicroIslet has licensed several technologies from Duke University that have been developed over the last decade by Dr. Emmanuel Opara, Ph.D., Director of Islet Transplant Research at the Duke Medical Center. The Duke/MicroIslet technology is unique in that it is a comprehensive multi- disciplinary system developed with the goal of curing insulin dependent diabetes. Optimization of the microencapsulated islet for transplantation is the focus of the Duke/MicroIslet effort. Dr. Opara and his staff have demonstrated a proprietary methodology for the isolation, culture, storage, and immunoprotection of islet cells
***Note:People with Type I diabetes do not produce any insulin because the insulin producing beta cells have been destroyed by autoimmune reaction. People with Type I diabetes require self- monitoring of blood glucose, a strict diet, and constant administration of insulin. Although people with Type II diabetes produce some insulin, a significant percentage of these patients also require insulin injections. These populations would benefit the greatest from transplanted islets to restore normally functioning, insulin producing cells instead of only treating symptoms of the disease. It is estimated that in excess of 100 billion dollars is spent annually in the U.S. on both the direct and indirect costs related to diabetes.
Read more at: Individual.Com News
Diabetes Overshadowed By Other Diseases Diabetes Advocate, January 1998

Click on the banner above if you would like to order T-Shirts with this logo, at The Insulin-Free World Foundation.

Diabetes Station
@ the Diabetes Portal
The on-line Station for the Diabetic Community.
Visit and join the discussions on the lastest in research and news.
Read a summary of what this FANTASTIC new site is all about!!
Click here for the first newsletter from Diabetes Station.
To see the schedule of very Special Guests and discussion topics, click here.

No More Needles.....Please! 
At last on video, the highly acclaimed Television Documentary. international search for the TRUTH about "THE CURE"
for Insulin Dependent Diabetes. It is an emotional journey into the lives of a mother and son facing a potentially fatal disease.
***** $1 per video sold will be donated back into research for the cure for Juvenile Diabetes.
"No more Needles.....Please!" traces the journey of film-maker, Catherine Jarvis
and her 12 year old son, James as they search the world for a cure for James' debilitating disease, Insulin Dependent Diabetes. James and his mother embark on a courageous and emotional quest visiting scientists in the United States, France, Italy, Denmark, England, China and Australia.
Diabetes has been known to man for 2,000 years. It is 100 times more prevalent than AIDS. It costs the world some $160 Billion dollars per annum. World-wide there are over 110 million diabetics and this figure is increasing at 8% each year.
James has had diabetes since he was two years old. He cannot live without needles. He wants to know why there is no cure. For him, diabetes research is more than a science. The endless war he will fight with his own body makes it personal. He doesn't understand why diabetes receives so little research money compared with other diseases. Politicians still think insulin is the cure.

JDF's Promise to Remember Me Campaign 2000
The "Promise To Remember Me" Campaign 2000 seeks to put the people who are affected by diabetes in touch with lawmakers and to capture your request for a "Promise" on film. To accomplish this, advocates will meet with their Representatives and Senators and tell them about diabetes and the need for a cure.
(Oct.6/99)University of Chicago/University of Minnesota Research Center To Speed Diabetes Cure Juvenile Diabetes Foundation Awards $7.5 Million for New Approach to Research and Clinical Trials on Transplants of Insulin-Producing Cells

Read why you should become involved the fight for a Cure:
Joseph LaMountain's Advocacy Letter

From Al Gordon, The Islet Foundation (TIF):
The Diabetes Research Institute in Miami held its World of Hope Conference October 15-17, 1999). I had the privilege of attending and spending time with DRI's (Diabetes Research Institute) researchers and supporters, all of whom are focused on one goal, curing diabetes. DRI's mission is refreshingly simple - Just Cure It!
Report on the: World of Hope Conference, Oct./99
For anyone who wants some uplifting news on the search for a cure, this report should be of interest.

The First Annual Dash to Cure Diabetes
5k/10k Run, 2k Walk, May 28, 2000 8:00 a.m.
GE Capital, 540 W. Northwest Highway, Barrington, Il.(about 38 miles northwest of Chicago)
Proceeds to benefit The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

Message Board Cure
Type 1 Diabetes
This board has been created by Ellen from the CamelsRfun (KidsRpumping) website. She hopes that "the sharing of information should inspire others to work harder than ever to entice journalists, local newsbroadcasts, national and international newsbroadcasts, websites, e-zines, government officials etc. to understand and spread the truth and reality about life with diabetes and to advocate for increased funding to cure diabetes"
Kid Cure Purchase your diabetes supplies from Kid Cure and we will donate 100% of our profits to help find a cure for diabetes. This site also has excellent information on recent news; islet technology; and non-invasive technology.

*****Be sure to sign up for and read the Find-A-Cure.Com Newsletter. GREAT information on up-to-date news on cure research at:
Providing researchers, doctors and patients of diabetes with focused information, collaboration support and resources to advance the effort to find-a-cure for diabetes.
This site provides a relentless focus on advancing diabetes research and supplements the research related information with resources relating to diabetes care as the users of this site will inevitably be involved in both research and care issues.
At least 10% of profits will be donated to non-profit organizations involved in diabetes and other medical research.
Fast Track to a Cure provides a unique opportunity for you to take action to cure diabetes because one hundred percent of your donation* will be used to support research to cure diabetes.
Click on "FAST TRACK TO A CURE" below.

Junior Diabetes Foundation International
Note the International Affiliates (addresses and links) at JDF International Affiliates
Help us complete the puzzle
Based in Toronto Canada The Islet Foundation provides a wealth of cure research information, a public forum, and updated resources on the search for a CURE.
The Islet Foundation has a mirrored site in Japan, thanks to Dr. Shinji Kagimoto, M.D., Ph.D., Kyoto University Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Kagimoto has translated the TIF site into Japanese to create access for people in his country. If you have a Japanese browser, please visit the TIF Japanese Site.

Sunday, April 16, 2000
The London Marathon is one of the most important events in the annual fundraising calendar of the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation (UK). The average amount of sponsorship raised per JDF (UK) runner is among the highest of all charity runners in the Marathon
The above petition is a project of the:
Click on the ADA logo to visit the American Diabetes Association "Finding a Cure for Diabetes" Advocacy page.
Palo Alto America's Walk for Diabetes Includes a "Virtual Walk".

Diabetic H. E. L. P. The mission of Diabetic H.e.l.p. is to create a Nationwide Network of Diabetic Support Groups. This network is being formed from new and existing community based support groups. Our ultimate GOAL is to help companies fund INDEPENDENT RESEARCH to find a cure for Diabetes in addition to the products they sell. Just 1 or 2% of the profits from this 80 Billion Dollar/Yr industry COULD provide the dollars to find a cure.

THE FLAME OF HOPE "The Flame of Hope" burns at London's Banting House to be extinguished when a CURE for Diabetes is found.

Links for Diabetes Research at the Diabetes Monitor
Directory of the World's Pancreas and Islet Transplants at The Insulin-Free World Foundation
Some obvious and URGENT reasons to cure diabetes at The Insulin-Free World Foundation. (These statistics may shock you!!)
The Sunray Diabetes Foundation is dedicated to funding research that will lead to a cure for diabetes. This Foundation supports the work of Dr. Anthony M. Sun, whose research is at the University of Toronto.
Summary of Dr. Sun's work
Brian Scott’s Homepage
Campaign for a Cure Type 1 diabetic marathon runner seeking support for the British Diabetic Association's Campaign for a Cure. Next planned marathon is the London Marathon on April 16, 2000.
If you are a Type I Diabetic, you must read:
JDF New Multimillion-Dollar Center to Create a Fast Track for Diabetes Cure Focused on Islet Cell Transplantation
Diabetes Research Initiative Funds 32 Scientists at Harvard
JDF's Advocacy page
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International Children across America Advocate for a Cure for Juvenile Diabetes at First JDF Children’s Congress
Mary Tyler Moore Leads 100 Children to Washington, D.C.
From "Children With Diabetes Website" (Jeff Hitchcock)
The JDF Children's Congress convened in Washington, D.C. from June 20 to 22, to implore Congress to allocate more money into research for a cure for diabetes. Kids from all 50 states attended, bringing with them thousands of letters from kids, parents, and adults.
Report on the World Of Hope Conference in Miami, Florida in Oct/99 from Jeff Hitchcock at The Children with Diabetes Site: A World of Hope 1999
Ski 2 Cure Diabetes
The Only Remedy is a Cure Campaign
1999 Tour de Cure Bicycle Races

HealthCounts offers outstanding products and services to help you manage your health. HealthCounts donates
of all net profits to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.

Why Should You Care About A Cure for Diabetes? By Marina Krefft
Advocacy for a Cure Page at
Grant's Diabetes Town
This site has lots of other good information.

Join the Diabetes Prevention Trial--Type 1 and help find out if this chronic disease can be prevented
Does someone in your family have type 1 diabetes?
If you answer "yes" to this question, you could get diabetes.
Click here to read more about this study at their website.
The Diabetes Prevention Trial--Type 1 (DPT-1) is a nationwide study to see if we can prevent or delay type 1 diabetes, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. Nine medical centers and more than 350 clinics in the United States and Canada are taking part in the study. Diabetes has a genetic link; close relatives of people with the disease have an increased chance of developing it. These are the individuals being recruited for the DPT-1. All family members, including children, are eligible for a free test to determine their risk of getting diabetes.
The Diabetes Prevention Trial at Stanford University is sponsored by the NIDDK. The DPT-1 is testing people at risk for type 1 diabetes to determine if it is possible to prevent or delay the onset of the disease. Needed: 830 volunteers to participate in the study; Currently approximately 535 participants have enrolled.
DPT-1 has a toll-free number (1-800-HALT-DM1) or
(1-800-425-8361) where callers can learn more about the study and go through a preliminary telephone screening to see if they may be eligible to participate.
Because relatives of those with type 1 diabetes are more
likely to develop the disease than the general public, the study is recruiting family members of people with type 1 diabetes.

Volunteers Needed For Type 2 Diabetes Genetic Research Study
Individuals with type 2 diabetes are being recruited by Rockefeller University Hospital to participate in a research study aimed at identifying the genetic factors predisposing individuals and families to develop early-onset (MODY) and late-onset forms of this disease. Travel is not required. For more information, please contact Eileen Buckley, MSN, ANP toll free at 1-888-920-9100 or visit the web site at
Diabetes Type 2 Genetic Study: Participants Wanted!
the Grey Ribbon Campaign for a Cure sites on my Links, Page Two
The Grey Ribbon Manifesto (Dave Groves)

email: Deanna Stewart-Gaston

An entire web site filled with: FREE STUFF FOR PEOPLE WITH DIABETES



Member of
This site is Friendly for Seniors and contains information of interest to Seniors.
DISCLAIMER: Any and all information and/or articles contained within this website are not meant as nor should they be taken, viewed and/or interpreted as medical advice. They are presented for information and as a guideline only. If you have any questions or need additional information, please consult your family doctor or trained medical personnel.

Fishing Salmon on the Miramichi River A site about salmon fly fishing on the world famous Miramichi river in NB Canada. You can order a book by Clayton Stewart who ran the first canoe river trips and the outfitting camps along the river for 40 years. The book tells about the guiding history on the river and has humorous tall tales about fishing and hunting. There is also a cassette tape of Miramichi songs available. Lots more info on the Miramichi and fishing links.

Information on Co Mayo, Ireland
Chat for anyone interested in Ireland and the Irish
Irish Family History
Foundation for your Irish roots. CDs,
festivals, summer schools, and more.
Irish Music Magazine for news, views and more on the Irish Folk and Trad scene. for Festivals,
Summerschools, Irish Harp Organisations, Albums, Magazines and a Harp Bulletin Board.

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