inner balloons self-organisation, and adaptive change |
new on inner balloons This
site is being updated daily. Check out what you must see! self-organisation
and adaptive change
Articles on adaptive behaviour and the sciences of
complexity. what
is nlp?!? Whether
you've just heard the name, and you'd like to find out
some more, or you've done quite a bit, and you'd like to
do some more, just click here. We've got a beginner's
course on NLP, as well as introductory articles. other
nlp and dhe articles NLP(tm)
is NeuroLinguistic Programming and DHE(tm) is
Design Human Engineering. Trying to really explain either
without going through the unconscious to digest it first
is trying to force the incredibly large chunks of
information through the sphincter of your unconscious
mind. Don't. Read this instead. books! In association with Books, you can now find the best books at the lowest prices. The Onion Institute team of reviewers have read hundreds of books and now you can benefit from their expertise. Our suggestions for books on self-organisation, communication and change. pronoia They're
gathering behind closed doors, planning, devising devious
schemes, just trying to help you. languages listening, learning, the
interconnection with thought and some fun experiments. links
a-plenty Probably pretty
disorganised. In fact definitely disorganised. Cos
it's currently only barely existent. |
Inner Balloons here. This is the home page for the Onion
Institute, peeling back the layers of complexity in the
sciences and arts of self-organisation, communication and
change. (and anything else we're interested in). This home page is not
'under construction'. It is however gradually organising
itself in more original ways. If you have any ideas or questions, have generous praise or want to give us money for the wonderful work herein, then just mail the secretary: All pages herein are covered by the Onion Copycentre. Hail Brijgis! Last updated: 21 October 1997 |
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