
This page is a link between millions of people, who are concerned for the present PITY state of HUMAN BEING, AT SEVERAL CORNER OF GLOBE and in fact every CORNER OF WORLD

 Despite big achievements and a claim of civilized ! and democratic world.
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My interests are:
World friendship, To make a peaceful friendly mother earth, and

to organize people who thinks so, but, feels lonely in GETTING effective change DONE

for IMMEDIATE IMPROVEMENT, after-all many are waiting since centuries in a HOPE

for a better DIGNIFIED life

The description of my page is:

Kindly join this movement started by Dr. Birendra Kumar Jha and sign the member book with your detailed suggestions

Global link between NETARHAT VIDYALAYA alumni

View member book

Email me at bkjha@geocities.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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