Hi, my name is Vivian, welcome to my homepage. I am a Registered Nurse by profession and work in the OB Department of my local hospital. Since we're a small hospital, I can do labor & delivery, postpartum and nursery which is pretty neat as I get to follow the patients from admission to discharge & spoil the babies along the way!

I will tell you more about myself here:


I have a beautiful family, would you like to meet them?


Here are some Medical Search Engine links you might be interested in.


I have met several friends from the net in person. I would like for you to get acquainted with some of my cyberfriends as I have, so drop into "Talker" where the majority of them hang out! We tend to linger in the "kitchen" in "Talker", hence the name "Kitchen Krew". It is customary for me to stir up a batch of "virtual cookies" in the "kitchen" and the plate is never empty! I've met these eight Talker Krewmembers in person and had a wonderful time with them. If their names are underlined, then they have a homepage linked to them which you might also want to explore. So, if you see Danse, Phantom, Wild Hoosier, Dream,Tejana, Mad Uncle Simes, Iron Will or Sierra in there, just tell them that "Dot" sent you, you hear? If I am there, you will know me by one of my icons below (made by Phantom, who has his own Logo Shop) or one of my newer "Dot" ones and my *giggles* or *winks*, which help me express myself. I am a *giggler* by nature, so that comes easily in my written expression as well. I also like to *smile* alot, both in person and in chat! I try to be a positive person, both in work and in play, and I enjoy having a good time, so join me there sometime!

If I'm not in Talker, then I am most likely in ICQ or Virtual Nurse, my other links here. Often I'm playing games on Yahoo. I am a computer addict, using this means to "unwind" after a demanding 12 hours at the hospital.

I guess what I would like most to convey is that the Net doesn't have to be scary. Everyone I have met has turned out exactly as I felt they would be after visiting with them for a long time first. Of course you have to be careful and use some common sense, but we're like penpals that get acquainted at a much more rapid pace than was afforded by the old postal method we used to use as kids. I wouldn't trade any of my experiences with my new friends and those experiences have helped me grow as a person, and I appreciate everyone who has contributed to that.

- Click here for Talker - KITCHEN KREW CHAT



I will be continuously updating my homepage, so do stop by often to visit, ok?

Email: NurseDot@cableone.net

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