We are glad to see you here at the new home of The Nursing Ring. My name is Kelly Gibbs, and I am a Registered Nurse, specializing in Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. Jeanie, the creator, nurturer, and very special nurse that created this webring has entrusted me to carry on her Labor Of Love. I am trying to make the transition as easy as is possible for everyone in the ring!
Our Purpose:
This massive information superhighway has provided a way for nurses to come together in a way never before possible. It was Jeanie's desire, and now also mine, that we, as nurses, come together to share our diverse interests with each other and the world. If we can join together here and share our interests or problems, the possibilities are endless....
Our Requirements:
Site must be created by a nurse, nursing student, or a nursing instructor. Your site does not have to be nursing - related.
HTML and ring graphics must be on the EXACT URL that you submit.
NO Adult or pornographic material; site must be safe for all ages.
To Join:
Complete the registration form below.
Place the Ring Coding on the same page that you enter on the form. You will receive the HTML coding via email, or if you need assistance with the HTML coding, please email me at nurse@edesigns.org.
Copy the graphic(s) of your choice from the approved graphics below.
Upload the graphics to YOUR server.
Complete this process within 14 days. Sites that do not contain the required elements within 14 days will need to resubmit the registration form.
Registration Information:
Approved graphics:
*NOTE* You May Use Any Of The Approved Graphics, But You Still Must Have The Ring Coding As Well To Be Admitted To The Ring.
Working Nursing Ring Fragment:
This Nursing Ring site is owned by
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Editing Site Information:
To edit your site information - your email address, password, etc., use the form below:
Click Here to apply for our award.
Click Here to see the award winners!
Credits and Thanks:
Sylviann created the Nursing Ring banner. Find Sylviann at The Working World of a Real Nurse.
Dale Sampson, Nursing Student, created the logo at the top of the page. Find Dale at Dale's Place.
Eric Zielinski, RN, BSN made the Nursing Ring images look more professional, and created the Member of the Nursing Ring image. Find Eric at Nursing: Caring for those in need.
Special Credit And Thanks To:
Jeanie, who created this wonderful ring, nurtured and maintained it for three years, and placed her trust in me to carry the torch.
Jeanie's Nursing Page.
Bruce and Jeanie's Corner Of The Heartland.
At Last Accurate Count, There Had Been Approximately 60,000 Visits To The Nursing Ring. Therefore, We Are Starting Our New Counter At 60,000.
FastCounter by LinkExchange
Click Here For The Complete List of Sites In The Ring.
Background, Lines, and Buttons Courtesy Of ABTA.