Restoring Natural Balance since 1984
Huna Clearings & Energy Alignment
Chakra & Meridian Openings, Aura Balancing


Transformational Quantum Healing
Harmonizing Spirit, Mind, and Body
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique
ZPoint Process Technique
Life & Soul Regression
Quit smoking, lose weight, etc.
Internal Alchemy
Guided Imagery & Meditation
House and Property Clearings
Unconditional Love & Compassion

Hug Therapy
Terrie Harlan,
Reiki Master/Healing Facilitator/Alchemist
318 Main St., Box 74
Janesville, Iowa  50647
Distance Healing/Clearing session via phone or Skype - call for an appointment
Contact by phone:  319-987-2081 or
Links to other sites on the Web:
Dr. Mercola's Alternative, Natural Health
The Great Illusion
The Spirit of Maat - Articles from Drunvalo Melchizedek
Shirley's Wellness Cafe
Leading Edge
Body-Mind-Spirit Articles
Huna Life Church
Recommended Nutritional Supplements:

Liquid Life - Complete Nutrition
call 1-800-258-5028 and use sponsor #4201

To view all Reach for Life products from TRC (The Rockland Corporation)
go to

Dr. Schulze's products can be found through The American Botanical Pharmacy
All of these products are organic, wild-harvested
The website:
Phone: 1-800-herbdoc  (1-800-437-2362)
Alkalize your body and cleanse acidic waste to achieve ph balance.
Visit Ph-ion at: