Hi This is a temporary version of my real homepage. If you have never visited my homepage before, please check the real version at HotSprings 1000.

If you are here to check my new pages, please let me know if you have any of the following problems:
1. your child is not listed or is not listed correctly,
2. you noticed some errors in your child's page (these are now automatically created from data received through the forms),

Don't worry about the following problems, I am aware of them and I am working on correcting these:
1. Pictures are not included,
2. Forms are not included

The following are the most significant changes made to these pages:
1. A new entry is added, primary diagnosis. This will (in the future) be a predefined list of types of epilepsy/seizures. That will allow me to provide some statistics based on a certain type of epilepsy.
2. For each treatment you entered, you can also enter effectiveness. There are only 4 options, "Positive", "Neutral", "Negative" or "Unknown". This data will also be used in order to generate statistics.
3. In the general information, I've added an option to include your State/Country. I've had several requests from people who are trying to locate other parents in their own area, I thought that by adding this, I might help without giving away too much of your privacy.

Please note that several links are not yet completed and you might find some blank tables in the pages. These will disappear with the final version.

Any comments, please email me.

Thanks for your help,


So, here we go. The following page will be the start of the New Homepage.