Assalamualaikum wmh wbt

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Hi, I'm Mohd Shah bin Awaluddin

Thank you for visiting my homepage. Since this is my first attempt at web authoring, please be patient if you encounter any shortcoming during your stay here. Don't forget to sign the guestbook so that we can know each other better.
I am currently residing in Seremban (100km south of the capital Kuala Lumpur), Malaysia.

I am new to Internet and web authoring but I am doing my best to develop a beneficial home page for all netizens. I intend to develop the pages that are related to my values,my career,my family and my interest.


An UNCENCORED Story..... for those who are DARING enough !!!

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Tel : 6-06-6771232, or Fax 6-06-6771197

Please come back soon and visit me.

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