Renee's Place
Hi!! My net name is Renee but my real name is Yvonne. I love surfing the net looking for things that are involved in my life with my children and my dogs. I am from beautiful Pennsylvania have been all my life. Was born and raised here in this small village..moved away when first married for a short time and now am right back to the small village I was born and raised in....**S**..its nice and quiet here....!!Matter of fact most of the relatives live here to in the same village!! My dream some day is to go out west...darn I can hear Wyoming calling my name...*SMILE*..(Oh well doesnt hurt to dream).. The Summers are so nice and the fall is just beautiful.
I have been married to Carl for 25yrs. I got married at 16yrs of age and together we have three children, two sons and one daughter. I am, 41 but have to admit I like this fortysomething *S*.... Our children are 25, 23, and 20. About nine years ago we got into foster care for Special Needs Children and needless to say over the seven years we have legally adopted five of our foster children. Why some ask?..Well when you get an infant or child placed in your home from 0-??? of age placed in your home you instantly bond and to you they are your children. So my question back to those who ask?...Why not?.... So as you can see I am a busy lady and I love every minute of it!!!! They are ages 11, 10, 9, 7, 5. Our home is full of children all the time from age 5-????? cause our kids have their friends here all the time so we are a busy household.
My oldest son had been married about three yrs now and are expecting there first baby, which is my first grandchild, I am happy and excited for them and myself of course. Here is a picture of there outside wedding three yrs ago, it was a nice outside real happy for Jason and Sharon!! Jason is an avid hunter....*S*.. and is a great son, and love him lots!! Sharon is a Physican's Assistant and is doing great!! Enjoy having her as a part of our family!!!..*Smile*
My second son spends all his time on his job. He loves it so much now that he can drive all over the country and is seeing lots of sites..he really enjoys seeing the country by driving his truck....but sad to say mom doesnt get to see him near enough now!!..*Pout*...but I am so happy for him...*Smile*... He isnt home him lots he is a great son too!!!!..And I love when he takes me trucking with him...darn wish I could handle a truck like he does..*S* his newest play toy?..his own truck... He finally did it he bought his own happy for him.
My daughter is now out of school and not at home currently. She's with her friends 24/7 and enjoying life to the fullest...*Smile*...Jenni is a real cool kid very out with what she has to say!!!..*YIKES*...she takes after mom...*Smile*...thats fine that way we get along her lots she is a cool daughter and my best friend....*Hugs*......Love u Jenni!!! She now has a really nice boyfriend that she is with living, and they are very happy.
Then all the little ones who are in school and daycare they keep me busy constantly but I love em all so much...*Smile*.....People around us don't understand why we do what we do by adopting but not everything is for everyone so they need to understand that what we chose in our life they may not!!! We are very content and happy that we did make the choice to adopt our little ones known as the forgotten children.....Doesn't everyone deserve to be loved? And for you out there that dont understand?...Remember we were all once children...we need to be loved...Children are our future!!!!!!!!! So, there is a little bit about my life!!!
I am new at this so I will be adding and changing as time passes!!! As far as my links they are things that I have dealt with in my life and am dealing with now. Oh and a new addition to our family, we adopted a Greyhound, Rythum, she is a real nice dog I would encourage anyone to adopt such a great dog!!!!...She is great with everyone, I have never seen a dog so great with children...want a new pet in your life??? Adopt a Greyhound...*S*.....Oh and Jake a male Greyhound just joined our family too...he is a brindle color and is a great boy...what a joy oh and now another new addition..Kyle..another brindle greyhound. Now there are more additions to the family, there is now Wiggles...another brindle (my hyper boy)..raced 56 races...then there is my Jagger, the baby of them all, drove all the way to CT to get this fine boy. I would encourage anyone to adopt a greyhound!!!!!!